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Next time, keep bugging DOS and GZ

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We all know now that the ploy by DOS telling us not to call them for 2 weeks was just a smokescreen and what they were really saying was "quit bugging us, geez".


Next time, we need to continue pushing. We must not fall for the "our computers are down" b.s., "within 2 weeks" b.s., "call back in a few days" b.s., "etc.." b.s.


Who's at fault? DOS or GZ? What's up with GZ turning off their phones? We're all paying taxes to their salaries, and this is the service we receive?

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We all know now that the ploy by DOS telling us not to call them for 2 weeks was just a smokescreen and what they were really saying was "quit bugging us, geez".


Next time, we need to continue pushing. We must not fall for the "our computers are down" b.s., "within 2 weeks" b.s., "call back in a few days" b.s., "etc.." b.s.  




Who's at fault? DOS or GZ? What's up with GZ turning off their phones? We're all paying taxes to their salaries, and this is the service we receive?



it's pretty smart actually... They buy "2 weeks" at a time.... instead of saying " call us next year.



That would be the State department all together.. Posts report to them

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