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P3 and some problems

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hey everybody...i havent posted in awhile, but I thought it was about time as I just received the P3 stuff from Guangzhou.




1. My wife will have our baby in the time between the P3 being sent off and us getting their reply (her due date is june 20th). I am not sure how the consulate is going to handle this situation, any advice on the best way to handle this?


2. My wife and I are applying for the visa (cr-1) but we are going to be living in China. We just put the down payment on our new apartment and want to stay here, but have the option to go back to the states when the time comes. We plan that after she gets the visa we will go back to do the paperwork there and then come back.


The problem is that for the AOS will they look at my salary here without looking at my financial situation in the states? I have been in China, off and on, for the last 5 years, and the last work I did in the states was a coffee shop.


The job I have now though is enough to support us and should meet the requirements of the AOS (i make about 21,000 RMB a month) and we have a little money in the bank, as well as the house. Does anyone know if this will cover it? Will I have to get someone to help me cover the support?


any advice is more than welcome.


and thanks as always.



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Hi Nate - for your first question, are you planning to make the baby a US citizen? If so, I'd talk to USC Services about that. If not, I'd *try* to talk to GZ to see if that means they have to be added to the application. Interesting situation. Glad my husband's interview is before my babies come.


What do you mean by AOS? If you're not a K, then you will do everything here and need the I-864 for the interview. I think in your case you should def have a joint sponsor and make sure to provide evidence you are going back to the states, even if it's not entirely true. Do not under any circumstances tell them you plan to live long term in China!


When is the interview by the way? What's your timeline?

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Thanks for the post.


I have added my very simple timeline. We don't have an interview time yet as we haven't yet sent the P3 back.


I had talked to the ACS at Guangzhou about what to do when our baby is born. They said it is a very simple process, I just have to go to the consulate with my wife and baby; bring all documents such as birth certificates, etc; bring proof of residence in the United States for a period of longer than 5 years (college transcripts); and my passport. If I supply this information then they will automatically issue a passport for our baby that day.


The problem is that lots of the P3 forms ask for all family members, and it is incredibly likely that before my wife has an interview the baby will be born. I am guessing that since our baby will be an american there is no need to include him/her on any forms. But then again, I don't know.


The form that I need to do is the I-864. I am just curious on whether my status here will be enough.


I think you are right though in that it is best not to mention to the consulate that we plan to stay in China.




ps...my wife's due date and yours are frightfully close together! Molly is due on July 3rd, but the doctors think it might be a little earlier.


how exciting.



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Yikes! It took you that long to get the P-3 by DCF?


Wait til you've got the P-4 before doing anything more that involves listing family members (assuming Molly is born then). And when you do, just include an explanation that your family grew (by a US citizen) since the petition was filed. You can always *try* to contact the consulate to ask if that will affect things.


If you're living in China, you will def need a joint sponsor for the I-864, whether you have lots of money or not. They want someone making money in the US to guarantee her and you will also have to show "domicile", which feels like my biggest headache right now.


I don't think I'll make it to July either. With twins and possible complications, I'll be happy to make it even close. So yeah, we might be very close together!


Good luck,


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