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Dear Ms. X,


Below, you will find the response that I received from the United States Consulate in Guangzhou. While they have received the completed namechecks, they estimate that it will be some time before his interview is scheduled. The Consulate in Guangzhou is responsible for a high volume of immigration applications, and is currently backlogged. The Consulate processes applications in the order of receipt, and your husband's has just arrived in the queue of completed applications.


Please feel free to contact me at this email address or at (860) XXX-XXXX if you have any questions.



Beth A. Monchun

District Aide

Office of Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01)


Dear Ms. Monchun:

Thank you for your inquiry. This case completed its name checks and preliminary paperwork in mid-January so it's so still relatively low in the visa queue. We estimate that Wang XX might interview in the June-July time frame. This estimate is based upon an immense backlog of visa cases and resource constraints at the Consulate. This estimate in no way constitutes a guarantee on our part. Approximately one month prior to the interview, we will send an appointment letter indicating the exact date and time of the visa interview.


We have noted your interest in this case and wish to assure you and Congressman Larson that Mr. Wang will receive every consideration due under United States visa and immigration law.



U.S. Consulate Guangzhou - Congressional Team


:angry: :angry: :angry: :( :angry: :( :angry:

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Don't take what GUZ says too seriously. In almost every case that I've read about, they are usually off target with their interview date projections. And if they are dealing with your congressman, I am sure that they are even more likely to provide a conservative estimate.


I would stick to observing what goes on with other CFL members. If CFL members with November P3's are getting their P4's now, you should expect to receive yours soon. Just hang on... the timelines are usually quite consistant.

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GZ is moving faster than you think.


My case will be delayed because I scheduled

a vacation in April, thinking the process was bogged down.


My lady now has her P3 in hand and we will fill it out when

we are vacationing. I figure an interview in June.


Also I must add I have been getting very good email responses

from GZ. When I email requesting a status I make sure to end it with

a positive sentence and greeting. "Have a good holiday" "Wishing

the staff well". That kind of stuff.


Being polite and professional will open the door.



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GZ is moving faster than you think.


My case will be delayed because I scheduled

a vacation in April, thinking the process was bogged down.


My lady now has her P3 in hand and we will fill it out when

we are vacationing. I figure an interview in June.


Also I must add I have been getting very good email responses

from GZ. When I email requesting a status I make sure to end it with

a positive sentence and greeting. "Have a good holiday" "Wishing

the staff well". That kind of stuff.


Being polite and professional will open the door. 



Friend if you send the p3 today yopu don't have a chance in hell of getting an interview date any time in April. If you wait until vacation in April to send in the p3 you may get an interview August or Septemebr. If you want a June/July interview, you best get the p3 mailed--NOW!!!!!!

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A friend of mine got his Congressman involved when the P-4 was not received in time for the interview. The Congressman's office told him GZ must respond to them by law and that they had never had a response take more than 8 weeks. The Congressman never got a response but 12 weeks later the P-4 was sent and the interview rescheduled. She is now here and they will be married this Friday. While GZ did not respond as required I think it helped their case. They had minimal proof of a relationship and by the time of the interview hadn't seen each other for 3 years. The process took 28 months for them. They fell in the black hole.


Anyway I think having them know you have your Congressman involved may add to the impression they get of a serious relationship.

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Jgrier, that's the exact same response they sent my congressman's assistant as well (minus the name and dates). Nice to know they use canned responses to congressmen too.


They estimated an April interview for Jack, but we got the P-4 soon after with the March 23 date. But yes, if name checks were completed in Jan, it prob will be a little more time. But still *could* be April or May - don't despair yet.

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Excepting for those who are in limbo after they sent their P3, the longest time I show for anyone waiting on the P4 is 153 days, and that is for what I call an unverified time line in the past three months. Based on the people who state in their time line the date of the P3 in the computer, My MT-Theory falls in line with every single one of them. Based on my extrapolation from other time lines that can only give a date of when they sent the P3, the average time to start counting to match this date, is 10-14 days. What I am saying is I would not worry until this time has happened. You sent the P3 on 11/01/04, and 127 days would be next Monday. However, this is not the computer entry date, so I think it would be reasonable, if they do not go faster to not expect it sooner than a further two weeks after that. As for the date of the interview, we see a slight increase from the four people who had the average down to 136 days, is now back up to 160 days for P3 entry in computer to Interview.

I agree with what people say about not taking the email too serious yet. Not enough average time has gone by yet. Even I had to ask specifically to Dos for the computer entry date, which added another ten days to my expectations. But better to know this than be disappointed.

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GZ is moving faster than you think.


My case will be delayed because I scheduled

a vacation in April, thinking the process was bogged down.


My lady now has her P3 in hand and we will fill it out when

we are vacationing. I figure an interview in June.


Also I must add I have been getting very good email responses

from GZ. When I email requesting a status I make sure to end it with

a positive sentence and greeting. "Have a good holiday" "Wishing

the staff well". That kind of stuff.


Being polite and professional will open the door.    



Friend if you send the p3 today yopu don't have a chance in hell of getting an interview date any time in April. If you wait until vacation in April to send in the p3 you may get an interview August or Septemebr. If you want a June/July interview, you best get the p3 mailed--NOW!!!!!!

We are not in any rush.


We both have happy and stable lives.

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