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Guest hoop5007

soooooo let me get this straight...... If the wives never ever forget....do their heads swell up bigger and bigger.........like a balloon... I know that my ex's swelled up so much with bad things that i had to leave her out of mercy because i was afraid that it would burst if i stayed with her any longer....that would have been quite a mess...she still remembers the bad stuff though

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ah ha!!


Not only are you old but slow!! hehehe A quicker thinking man would have held sway on the discourse of relativity and gravity and their juxtoposition in relation to the time space and wet floor continuim... hmmm


When her eyes start to cross from the sounds of your most solid of arguements.. do not give in.. resisit the urge to call it quits! You must push just that inch more to secure your face in the kitchen wars for ever more.


And this Dear one concludes the demonstaration that yes gravity does in fact work the same here as in china and that yes it too is all a case of relativeness.. a wet bathroom floor there and/or a wet kitchen floor here?? it is all null and void as the floor is wet and gravity prevails bringing peace and harmonty to all.. heheheh


And if you can pull that one off with a straight face.. by god... you are looking at sainthood!!


Go in peace my son and spill no more.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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