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Making a videotape

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Hi everyone, I have been reading alot of the stuff people post and all I can say is that you guys are awesome. I have been benefited alot from the site! (the best recommendation ever!)


Although I have read various topics concerning K-3, but I am still little confused with the video thing. Some people mentioned that a videotape is asked to be submitted more frequent, mainly is to prove the two people have no problem communicating and share the same language. My fianc¨¦ and I never had a videptape made before and we are wondering if this is necessary, as I have absolutely no problem in communicating in English. this can be proven when I have the interview, right? We have a lot of pictures of us and 100 ponds of emails as well as plane tickets receipts, ring receipt and etc. I mean will all these be enough to prove our relationship? I returned the P-3 a month ago and have not heard anything back yet, but this seems to be common and we are just trying to be patient. I am kind of nervous about the interview and already have my fingers crossed hoping for the best. I love you all who share this same journey. It is so comforting to know someone out there understand the frustration and knows what it is like being separated from the person we love the most. Thank you all!


My fiance is coming in 2 weeks(Spring break) I am so excited! :rolleyes:

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My wife was K-3.

She spoke little English And I, little Chinese. She got a blue slip but it was for a different matter and not for a video tape.

I say this because no one knows what conclusions a VO will draw at the interview. The important thing is to be prepared and if one gets a blue slip, handle it quickly and proficiently. In our case, what the VO asked for was straight-forward and easy to get.

Don't worry about getting a blue slip. Most cases never do get it. Just have all the relevant evidence together for the interview and think positive.


-good luck

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One thing I found to be an advantage from making a video tape that I hadn't anticipated; how we as a couple interact:

For example: My niece looked at the tape after I returned from China, and said that we were obviously in love with each other, because of our facial expressions, body language, and overall interaction. Those things are not as obvious with static pictures.


My fiancee wasn't specifically asked for a tape with her blue slip, but they saw it when she went back. The had simply said they wanted her more evidence of our relationship; and to update her notarial single certificate. In fact the tape could have helped us, if they needed proof of our sincerity.


The objective evidence is that we were speaking Mandarin with each other. The more subjective evidence that we are a sincere couple could also be seen on the tape.

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hey Leejcandle & tywy99


thank you so much for you reply, your information really helps! and thank you leejcandle for mentioning the update of the notarial single certificate, we did not even thought about that. We wont risk the chance of getting the blue slip if we can avoid it. thank you!

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