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Good luck with your P3. I hope the rest of your process goes quicker than the first parts. It really gets me aggravated when I see a timeline that has taken as long as yours. It means there is no method to this and ANYONE can be out as long as yours. I hope they take your initial time into consideration and process your P4 ahead of someone who is in the 7-8-9 month range. This is only fair for everyone. Of course most people are only out for themselves....

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Yes..I agree. I don't want to freak you out, but I am sure you have looked at the timelines for all us west coasters....they are all at the one or one plus year between submitting I129F and receiving visa.


Jim from Modesto will be well over one year--not to scare ourselves too much--but this can be any one of us. I am also sure you have seen "what CSC giveth the NVC doth taketh away" and other such colorful phrases.


My SO's cousin's visa took 13 months. I was all gung ho about getting my paperwork quicker and all this jazz, as many others before me with "superior paperwork skills" (please note the sarcasm)...I was probably more impatient around 3-4 months than I am now (at six months). Now, I am more or less settled into my miserable meaningless life and waiting patiently for the visa gods to smile down upon me from their lofty perch's.....


I wish expedience for you, and believing in Karma, if I were to wish for mine to go quicker than anyone else's, then mine would take twice as long...so...I can honestly say that I wish for all to be fair "among those who have a true love waiting for them and are a true love waiting and have taken the time to fill out the forms correctly"


"god can move mountains, but I must bring the damn shovel"


Thank god for CFL or I would have committed some kind of 'cide by now...

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Rob, yes I have looked at the timelines and it does not look good for us on the west coast, but then I do not think it looks good for any of us really. I even informed my SO today that it could be awhile yet. She was so excited that things progressed as fast as they have so far. She was thinking maybe we would be done by summer but now I am really wondering but you never know.



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Bill, one word of encouragment. If you look at some of the older timelines, mine for instance, you'll see that CSC has greatly improved in processing the applications. :blink: Sort of. For me, march will mark 1 year since I first mailed it in and have had no RFE's or other noticable problems. Still I was more than 180 days at CSC alone. :huh: My observations so far seem to show that once it clears our border it is about the same reguardless of where you are. I know some would say otherwise and there doesn't seem to be much reason why some people suffer more delays than others. In one way I am glad I wasn't aware of these problems before I was introduced to Jennifer because it might have infuenced my attitude for such a relationship. I remember how she reacted when we thought it would be 6 months and how long that was. Oh what I would give now if that was true. ;)

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Jim, yes I understand that it is just a matter of time now. I will do my best to be patient as I can and hopefully things will go speedy and with no problems. In the mean time I am gathering the bulk of the paperwork for the P3 and P4 for my SO and taking it with me in March on my visit along with alot ot evidence of us being together. I have been reading many stories here which I think have helped many of us newer people to avoid major problems down the line. The advice is greatly appreciated everyone, thanks.



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