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Jun was the first person in for an interview after 1 pm, came back to the hotel around 3 all upset with the blue and yellow slips. I'm so upset I can hardly think. Please help us with some advice.


Jun said her visa officer was a tall black woman who asked my name, saw my visa, read my cover letter, saw our photos but still sent her out with a rejection and very little information about what to do to appeal. Form letter says we can come back on Monday with more evidence of a bonafide relationship. Only thing more we can think of to do is print the 200 emails we have written to each other. We don't have phone records because both of us used phone cards.


We did everything else right, I thought. What did she think I came all this way for? Anybody with any common sense could see instantly that we are for real. I think she just had her mind made up that she was going to start out the afternoon with a rejection. This whole process is so capricious and opaque I can't stand it.


I will attend the meeting for US citizens tomorrow at 3 pm and see what I learn. Meanwhile, can anybody give us some solid advice about what to do? The VO did not ask for a video. Are there any lawyers over here we should consult with?


Thanks for caring and responding.



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Okay, sorry to hear about the blue slip.


First things first. Keep a level head, and on the yellow slip, it should state the reason for a denial. If i doesn't. what i did when i was in GZ and we got a blue slip was write a letter stating your love for each other. Bring the letter into the consulate, on the 2nd floor, have the letter notarized and have your so bring it with her on her return. This is not the end, sometimes they need more time to look at your evidence. I know it can be a pain, I went through the same bs, it delayed our plans to return to the USA about a week. so don't panic, most important is to be there for each other, and try to remain calm...



keep us posted,


guoqing :blink: :)

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Beyond belief. More fuel for the speculation that the decision is made ahead of time. It appears she isn't convinced your relationship is legit. Print out the emails, write the letter, perhaps make a video of you two talking about it and how this heartless decision has devastated you. Anything and everything you can think of to show you have a bonafide relationship. Submit it as overcome evidence and hope the VO that reviews it is kinder hearted. At least you are there to deal with it. Good luck my friend.

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Anybody know how to get in touch with American lawyer who posts as "king" on CFL? I pm'ed him but not sure he logs in regularly.


Bruce kindly let me use his computer to copy 140 pages of email letters for submittal next week. Now we're going to look for a copy shop which can print them. I think we'll go to Chengdu to say goodbye to family and assume things will get worked out next week.


I'm so mad and upset about how Jun got treated I'm sputtering so I'm not going to say anything more right now.

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I know exactly how you feel. When Bing got her blue slip the interview went something like this.

VO: Do you speak english?

Bing: Yes but sometimes I have a hard time hearing english.

VO then says something she doesnt understand, yanks the folder out of her hand rifles through it, takes out the I-134 looks at it then writes out a blue slip. Absolutely refused to look at any of our evidence. whole interview lasted about 2 minutes after waiting 4 hours. The VO was rude and totally unfair.


good luck max. You will overcome.

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As usual, warpbored's advice is like an oasis in the desert. I would add that based on reading of previous posts, when you go back it is likely you will have a different visa officer who will look at the evidence and probably more reasoned. As with these others, even bringing the same evidence as well seems a good idea, as each person looks at what they think is important. All is not lost yet. I really liked the video idea as well, talking about the wrongness of this when you are in fact the main evidence of the relationship outside waiting. I mean really, why else are you there. But let us side-liners do the angry posts on line while you take care of business. All is not lost, you will prevail.

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As far as I know this video idea has never been tried before but if anything can get through thier cold hearts perhaps a video of a heart broken couple discussing their grief along with some sincere loving and comforting could. I have no idea who you may get to review your case max but the one Bing got was very nice and put Bing at ease right away.

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