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AP -- How long does it take?

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Hello Everyone!


I have a serious question to ask and would appreciate any advice that people have.


I know that I am jumping the gun, at least a little bit, but I think that it is time to ask this question, as my darling's interview (upon being issued with a real visa, I will reveal her name publically, but for now, I still am worried to do so) is less than 1 week away.


I have just received an offer to teach a course at a Chinese University over a month in the summer, working for that month, full time. They will arrange for an employment visa for me (since the amount of money to be paid is quite large). My darling was absolutely thrilled when she heard the news! She thinks that it is worth taking the month where I can only write for my research and not have access to my local University here, for this opportunity. I think that I agree with her.


However, we do not want me to go, unless she can come as well. The money made will more than pay for 2 rtx tickets from New York City to the destination City (or to her hometown), and since housing is included, it is even better yet. But the issue is that since this is during the summer, I am not yet sure if she will have an AP issued.


If the interview goes well, we are planning (have a ticket reserved, but have been given until 1 day after the visa is issued to turn over the cash) for her to arrive on March 9th. We have a wedding planned for march 26, and hope to file her paperwork on Monday March 28th. This would only give us about 2.5 months to get an AP. Is this enough time? (we would be filing in Boston)


If this is not enough time, is there some way to show the employment offer (and that it is a short time offer to work there) to someone in the office to try to expedite the process? It would be extremely amazing if this could work out.


Thanks for everyone's time to read over this and for offering any ideas/suggestions. :blink:

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Thanks for the heads up to both of you.


It seems to indicate that they are processing requests from mid January now, and if this trend continues, it *should* allow us to be processed within 2.5 months, leaving just enough time for her to come along. Although this is far too close in my mind.


However, after she *gets* the visa, I will think more about this.


Thanks for the help, and if any more advice is out there, I would love to have it. :P

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