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Need help with K-1 evidence

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I posted a similar question to a nntp newsgroup but my question is specific to Guangzhou so I'd rather post it here.


My fiancee and I have actually been living together for 2+ years now. I was living in Beijing originally and then she followed me to the U.S. on a tourist visa. Because of this we don't have phone bills and emails to submit as evidence. Instead, here is the list I have compiled


1. sworn statement by me

2. Photos and passport visas (16 pages) of our travel and staying together

3. Evidence of joint bank account

4. Copy of pages 1 & 2 of Apartment Lease showing her as occupant

5. Copy of Benefits selections (health insurance, life insurance) showing her as Dependent/Beneficiary

6. Copies of our health benefit cards showing same account number.

7. Copies of memos submitting her info for investigation in accordance with requirement for holding a security clearance, and the subsequent approval to marry

8. Statements from friends and relatives attesting to our relationship.


Although she is here on a tourist visa, we were able to setup the joint bank account, apartment lease, and health benefits ("domestic partnet"). However, some people have said this is TOO much evidence and it will look like we are already married. if they suspect we're already married they will deny her visa. If I remove those items my list is reduced to


1. sworn statement by me

2. Photos and passport visas (16 pages) of our travel and staying together

3. Copies of memos submitting her info for investigation in accordance with requirement for holding a security clearance, and the subsequent approval to marry

4. Statements from friends and relatives attesting to our relationship.


which looks kind of puny to me. Further, I haven't owned a film camera for years and all the photos will be printed on paper (I setup a document with descriptions following each photo). Might this be a problem?


Because of work I might not be able to go with her, and now I'm starting to hear about them asking for a tape (video tape? audiio tape?) of us speaking a common language. She plans to do the interview in English and I will submit evidence of my having studied Mandarin in Beijing for a year. Because of work I may not be able to accompany her in which case creating a tape later will be difficul.


So in summary, should I can the cohabitation stuff from the States. Is there anything obvious I am missing? Am I worrying too much (I tend to do that).



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The video tape is *not* required of everyone, but for some it is asked for. I would recommend either having one (but not showing it unless asked, and then returning the next day with it), or being able to improvise on the fly (with you not in China the latter may be hard). Read on the site, as many have posted about the specific VHS requirements of the tape.


What day is the interview?


Did you include copies of documents which have both names on them, such as the leases that you have had, insurance documents, etc?


One of the large problems with GZ seems to be that some officers refuse to look at *any* evidence. This is something my darling is really worried about for her interview. She currently is carring about 10 kg worth of emails, airplane tickets, bus tickets, passport copies, phone records, photos of us all over, written statements from people we have met who are neutral and whom have met us as a couple, etc. However, if the VO is having a bad hair day, some have posted they will not even look at the information! In this case, I guess you just have to go back and try to get another one to look at it a few days later. I am still not sure of what the best way to approach this is, but at least my darling knows that she will have done everything right and that we are legitimate. I will not worry more unless the road is crossed.


So, I guess that I would discuss some alternative plans with your fiancee. Much better to be ready than not I think...


Finally, did she ever *overstay* her tourist visa in the US? If so, then there may be other legal problems...if not, then it should not be a problem!


Good Luck and read the archives here!

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Am I worrying too much (I tend to do that).



Yup you am. The idea is to provide 'proof of relationship'. It certainly appears you have done that and the fact that she was in the US and went back for an interview should look good to GZ. It certainly says she is not wanting to stay without a Visa.

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The video tape is *not* required of everyone, but for some it is asked for.  I would recommend either having one (but not showing it unless asked, and then returning the next day with it), or being able to improvise on the fly (with you not in China the latter may be hard).  Read on the site, as many have posted about the specific VHS requirements of the tape.


What day is the interview?


Did you include copies of documents which have both names on them, such as the leases that you have had, insurance documents, etc?


One of the large problems with GZ seems to be that some officers refuse to look at *any* evidence.  This is something my darling is really worried about for her interview.  She currently is carring about 10 kg worth of emails, airplane tickets, bus tickets, passport copies, phone records, photos of us all over, written statements from people we have met who are neutral and whom have met us as a couple, etc.  However, if the VO is having a bad hair day, some have posted they will not even look at the information!  In this case, I guess you just have to go back and try to get another one to look at it a few days later.  I am still not sure of what the best way to approach this is, but at least my darling knows that she will have done everything right and that we are legitimate.  I will not worry more unless the road is crossed.


So, I guess that I would discuss some alternative plans with your fiancee.  Much better to be ready than not I think...


Finally, did she ever *overstay* her tourist visa in the US?  If so, then there may be other legal problems...if not, then it should not be a problem!


Good Luck and read the archives here!

Yes, I have documents with both our names on it: bank account, apartment lease, health insurance, all from the U.S.


The main question in my post was should I include these as evidence for the K-1 interview or might this suggest that we are already married and thus cause her visa to be denied.


We are NOT married and she had never overstayed her B-2 visas. I'm pretty sure we've done everything correctly and legally. We didn't get married on the B-2 and try to change status.


So the question remains: will I help or harm our case by including the apartment lease, bank account, and health insurance info.



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