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phone cards from china

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I use nobelcom.com when I call liwen in China and have bought her a card so that she can call me. It is much cheaper for me to call her but sometimes the need arises for her to call me -- like when she can not get a computer connection or there is a power outage and she will not be online. In the past the nobelcom worlwide card has worked fine for her but now she is unable to connect with it. I have been working with the company to try and solve this problem but am wondering if others have used any other cards with success. What I am interested in is the China to USA type of card.

Thanks for any help.

I love reading the posts here as they are so helpful to me and also good support to know we are all in the same waiting boat.

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I am not sure about calling cards for calls from China, but last night I made a call to my wife in China and before I was connected I received an automated message stating that an attempt was being made to add a US surcharge on all overseas calls and was instructed to call a 1-866 number to request no hikes in the rates.


Just an FYI for all us calling card users.

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