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P-3 received from NVC??? for I-130 Filing???

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I went to my son's for the DS-230 today ready to sent off our prepared form. Briefly glanced over the instructions until the last page NO problem.


Last page was a GIV Packet 3 Supplemental Information Sheet. What is this??? I know WHAT they ARE but wondered why it was in the NVC packet. Suprise, suprise. After some scrambling my wife is calling FEDEX right now to return a Chinese filled in and signed P-3 Supp.


QUESTION: For the few of you that have gone down this CR/IR-1 path *USING NVC* recently does this mean we are beginning the P-3 process statesides? Also, I noticed 1 or 2 CR-1'ers timelines that seemed to be shorter to arrive at the P-4 stage at GZ. (This would account for beginning the P-3 process while still in the NVC parking lot waiting 4-6 weeks for I-864/DS-230/Final reviews). TIA

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Packet 3 is the instruction packet, including the DS-230.

Packet 4 is the appointment letter.

There are different designated post worldwide. There are the "Alpha" posts and there are the "Beta"posts.

On "Alpha" posts, the instruction packet (P3) is sent to post via the NVC. NVC will first review the files for completeness. GIV unit is an "Alpha" post.


On "Beta" designated posts, the agent of choice is instructed to send P3 directly to the consular. If the AOC is also the petitioner NVC would have sent out the I-864 with instructions to send the form to the applicant to present to the VO at day of interview.

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Yes you are doing the P-3 stateside for the CR1. My Case was complete 9/23/04 and sent to Guangzhou sat in clearance for a month and interview scheduled for the 8th of March. Mikexiao was a month behind me but he has an interview for the 11th of March I was surprised with that form also. I lost 12 days sending to Nanning getting it filled out and sending to the NVC. I forwarded about the form to MikeXiao and he sent it to his SO ahead of time to fill out so he would not lose any time like I did. The P-4 pack consist of Medical instructions, DS-230 Part II, a Giv-24 Family Composition sheet and a few other forms along with the Appointment Letter. My SO told me they said we have to pay the Visa Fee again but DOS told me no, receipts are with the Petition as well as the I-864 Last letter I got said All beneficiaries are advised to bring the most current three year tax documents and supporting financial proof that is CURRENT at the DATE OF THE INTERVIEW.

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Thanks for the info Ty, and Wayne Thanks for both the PM you sent me (and the other PMer's). Maybe I'm still a little tipsy from the series of NVC sucker punches the past week or 10 days. You guys assuring me in my moment of doubt and confusion and, again- thanks.


I really believe (and guessing probably the three other members I have communicated directly with TODAY agree) that we need to either start a CR/IR-1 forum or MINIMUM get some good posts here and PIN THEM.


At least five of us I know of GOT or would have gotten blindsided by this process if it weren't for PM's. None of the published web sites/info address what is really happening/REQUIRED on this process when it goes through NVC.


NVC has thrown a bushel of booming curve balls at me (and the others). Especially for I-864 and DS-230 processing. TRUST ME- NVC is playing with a DIFFERENT set of rules than what is available on line or doing AOS in the US. When we finally receive the form- that is when we get their SPECIAL instruction sheet. Many recent hours at VJ by myself and another member noted that the I-864's are getting RFE's for things that are NOT even required in THAT set of instructions. I made a few fast recoveries by comparison to the one Wayne reported above. Fortununately, I HAD my wife's passport here for TAXES. The fore mentioned P=3 Supp. was outdated here so I unpacked and scanned the newer P=3, emailed it to my wife. She has paid a ton of money to send it immediately back with FEDEX (CNY surcharge???and/or Sat. delivery???)- they said 3 days/website however gives 5 days delivery. At NVC that 1-2 days at the end of the week often means it sits in a newer stack until next week. Just in the past week because of the above I've added 2 weeks to the process because of the return dates of the I-864 and now the DS-230. This is just the beginning wave of us NVC processed CR/IR-1 people here too.

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I am in agreement with Richard.


I believe if would be great to have a CR-1 forum added. I feel couples using the CR-1 route will only increase in the future due to faster I-130 petition approvals from the USCIS.


At least, the P3 (from NVC) and P4 packets for the CR-1 or IR-1 couples should be pinned on the website. Wayne and Richard have supplied valuable information on the process. However, I would still like to see the information posted on the website.


I will help anyway that I can !!!!





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I am in agreement with Richard.


I believe if would be great to have a CR-1 forum added.  I feel couples using the CR-1 route will only increase in the future due to faster I-130 petition approvals from the USCIS.



I will help anyway that I can !!!!

Thanks Mark,


DOUBLE Ditto on the help and scanning ANY NVC documents that save someone else this debacle (and TIME). :rolleyes: :huh: :) (Not trying to push too hard but thought a poll on this may get others feelings too).


(Although me telling Don I'm going to scan something might be taken as a threat after todays attempt)

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