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My sweetie is here!!

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Lee - glad to hear she landed safe and sound ... did she use the cell phone?

I didn't wait long enough...I called her twice (after the plane should have landed). The first time, the call went to voice mail. The second time, she had turned the phone on; the plane had landed, and she was waiting to get off.


After that, I just told myself to sit tight for an hour. I assumed it would take a while to process all those folks through customs and immigration. (There we lots of anxious relatives waiting for loved ones to come out...I had plenty of company. I killed a lot of time talking to a Chinese woman who was waiting for her mother and law.)

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Congratulations to both of you and Best Wishes. What a way to start the New Year.


Don't count on her liking the local grocery store. If it is like here in L.A. they can't match the prices and selection of the Asian market.

We did another round of shopping today; the local Walmart, another Asian market, then H.E.B. Interestingly, the proprietor at the Asian market told her to go to H.E.B. for a particular item she wanted.


We stopped at H.E.B. last before coming home; she actually said she liked the place; lots of fresh vegetables, well presented meats and sea foods.


She wasn't outwardly annoyed, but asked some questions at the Asian market.


I think the warnings I and others gave her about the lack of selection and prices have to have paid off at least some. I remarked in another thread; she already had in mind what things should cost. But I'm betting she's not allowing for per/pound prices versus per/kg...jin(?). (During my first visit to her in Nanning, after seeing some of her routine; I warned her that her daily routine, especially regarding shopping for groceries, would be very different. I reminded her several times during the last year. Being a mature person, I think she had prepared herself. But then, it make take some time for reality to set in; I'm sure she'll have some down days; missing the family; missing fresh seafood.)


But for the moment, she's not making a big fuss. For the time being (except for being sleepy in the afternoon; jet lag) she seems quite happy to be here. :lol: :o

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Lee, be prepared for the inevitable home-sickness that you mentioned after the newness of being here wears off. This is good advice for all of those with new arrivals. There will be a period of six months or so where they will go through periods of stress. You have to be patient, understanding and supportive. If they become depressed, do whatever you can to brighten their day. Often it is something as simple as bringing something home as a treat - just to let them know they are really loved. This will pass in time.

Thanks for the advice. I know those times will come. I just hope I'm prepared.

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Lee, Fei and I are reading your posts together, and are amused by the similarities you are both going through as new arrivals...


Fei also went through the "sticker shock" of every day items here, but like all Chinese women (I think) She has been ruthless in comparing prices .... We actually got out of the local "Food-4-Less" and she went item by item to compare the prices in GZ --- the big winner in the US are things like eggs, chickens, fast noodles, milk, and certain canned foods...


She misses, (of course) fresh fish (at reasonable prices) --- and fresh vegitables... dirt cheap in GZ --- but expensive here .....


In any case, as the best US Marines say as you enter the GZ Consulate (to American citizens, at least..)


"Welcome Home"

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That's funny Kim. I only ever heard that going through US immigration. I'm not very patriotic but it always brought a tear to my eye.


Congrats Lee! So great to see so many people moving on to the US side of things. You are lucky to have so much Asian stuff. We will be in small town Ohio with some kind of Asian market but not a lot. I will encourage Jack to take some (legal for travel) stuff he likes. But I guess fortunately for us we have been here in China together and adjusted to each other's tastes (him to mine a lot!).

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Lee, be prepared for the inevitable home-sickness that you mentioned after the newness of being here wears off. This is good advice for all of those with new arrivals. There will be a period of six months or so where they will go through periods of stress. You have to be patient, understanding and supportive. If they become depressed, do whatever you can to brighten their day. Often it is something as simple as bringing something home as a treat - just to let them know they are really loved. This will pass in time.

Ain't it the truth. These little episodes pop up every so often. Something happens to remind her of home, and the tears start to flow. All I can do is hold her and tell her I love her.

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