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Have to Thank GZ

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One thing we have hoped for was that MM would be home in time for my birthday this year....and that wish GZ seems to have granted. If the interview goes smooth she will arrive four days before my birthday.


Plenty of time for me to show MM where the malls are so she can load up with cool birthday gifts for yours truly.


We had planned on going to Hawaii for our wedding.....


When talking with my mother yesterday she asked me who was buying her dress for our wedding. I asked her of she was going to fly to Hawaii with us for the ceremony.


She said she was not going to Hawaii and not to worry about it, she would discuss plans with MM this morning when she called her from China.


Get the feeling that my mother and MM are making up my mind for me....which is a nice feeling to see the two ladies in my life sharing their joy together.


Suppose I will have to settle for a two week honeymoon in Maui....life is tough.





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One thing we have hoped for was that MM would be home in time for my birthday this year....and that wish GZ seems to have granted.  If the interview goes smooth she will arrive four days before my birthday.


Plenty of time for me to show MM where the malls are so she can load up with cool birthday gifts for yours truly.


We had planned on going to Hawaii for our wedding.....


When talking with my mother yesterday she asked me who was buying her dress for our wedding.  I asked her of she was going to fly to Hawaii with us for the ceremony. 


She said she was not going to Hawaii and not to worry about it, she would discuss plans with MM this morning when she called her from China.


Get the feeling that my mother and MM are making up my mind for me....which is a nice feeling to see the two ladies in my life sharing their joy together.


Suppose I will have to settle for a two week honeymoon in Maui....life is tough.





Congrats man--ain't it wonderful when a plan comes together???


Sharing in their joy??? Maybe, but me thinks you are being ganged up on---no problem though, justt say Yes'm and enjoy the ride.


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Sitting here on the back porch in shorts and sandals enjoying the sping in the air.... :rolleyes:

Yeah, so did I...... but then I froze to the rocking chair. Had to have paramedics come and pour hot water on my legs to thaw me off the rocker. No wonder that steel rocking chair was so cheap...



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