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Shipping Furniture to the U.S.

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Anticipating Jialu's arrival here in the U.S., I have purchased a new house in lovely Elk Grove, CA. I wish to have the furniture her family has given to her sent to the house before she arrives. Does anyone have any experience with this?


I have contacted a shipping agency in Zhanjiang and they will ship it, I was wondering what others experiences are as far as waiting until the Visa is approved or sending it earlier. Is there any advantage in waiting until the visa is approved?

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I don't know about whether you shouls wait until the visa is approved- but we always ship it in my name- and I wouldn't get a whole container- we did that one time and customs inspected it and it was a whole heap more. You put it in a container with other people and it is less likely to get stopped. Also- you will have to find a broker to help you get you get the stuff once it reaches the US. There are quite a few companies who ship from China- ask your wife to ask people she knows in China and make sure to get a reliable company. When we first did it we had a hard time finding people who could honestly do it for the price they offered- there were so many hidden costs- we had everything packed up by one company when they happened to mention that we needed to pay 1,000 USD more than the original price- needless to say we gave money for the packing and sent them on their way.

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