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I just talked to Jenny

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It just goes to show the level of trust the shelter has for us to pass the information onto her. It shows how actions speak louder than words. We all stepped up to the plate and did the right thing, to show here that we Americans are decent people, who abhor the actions that were forced upon her and her daughter.

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Ok, where to begin. 'Jenny' called me in response to a call I made to " A safe place" last week. John had discovered some interesting information about her husbands finances, including some disability money he collects from the VA-an area I am very familiar with. I talked with Don and he told me how she can remain in the US with an 'abused spouse waiver. Then Bruce filled me in on the rest of the details. So I made a simple phone call and explained everything to Michelle at Safe Place. I left all the info I had and my name and number-Today 'Jenny' called me.


Our conversation was cut short as I had to leave and was already late. She said she is doing fine, still in the shelter but hopes to have a house to live in soon. She hasn't received any money yet and was not aware of the 'Jenny fund' except for what I had told safe Place. I explained it to her and told her approximately how much etc... She was more interested in knowing who and why than when and how much, Very nice woman-great English skills.


'Jenny', (she now calls herself that-it is not her real name though) was amazed that so many people want to help a stranger. She was very excited about this. She told me several times how everyone has been helping her and how grateful she is. She has talked with an immigration attorney (don's idea) and will be able to stay in the USA and get a green card-this made her very happy.


Jenny did share some personal things about the situation with me but I was rushed and forgot to ask her if it was ok for me to share these with the group. I will say that there will be a long healing process but I am confident that Jennies positive attitude and caring nature will carry her and her daughter through this thing. I have to tell you that most who know me think I am a pretty tough guy-myself included-but to hear her enthusiasm and gratitude brought tears to my face--her and I cried together-it was a great feeling that I hope you can all share in.


My wife said Jenny is a very very bright woman. My wife doesn't impress easily but was very impressed with Jenny. Once again Jenny told Fang Ling to thank everyone involved and that she thinks Americans are wonderful people. They discussed her husband and future plans. Jenny told my wife that she is good with computers and asked how she could contact the group. My wife isn't good with computers and I had to take my daughter to gymnastics so Jenny said she would call back to get the web address from me.


There are several more details but I really need to talk with her again to make sure it's ok for me to post publicly. You all can be sure of one thing. YOU HAVE MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. She expressed thanks to all several times and now thinks, with all the love she has gotten from everyone, she will have a good life for her and her daughter.

I'll post more later as info comes in and after I speak with her again.


As many of you would probably like to email or talk with Jenny and 'A safe place' couldn't and wouldn't direct the calls and this may be somewhat overwhelming to 'Jenny', feel free to email me or give me your number and I'll pass it on to her if and when she calls me again.


Big thanks to Bruce and John and Don and all of you. I for one am damned proud to be a member of group who will do and give so much and ask nothing in return--Hell, I'm even proud if the republicans in the site-kinda




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I just goes to show you that one person can make a difference. The idea snowballs, picks up mass and before you know it something wonderful has happened. It makes me proud to be a member here. Hey wouldn't it be great if Jenny became a frequenting member here?

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Thanks Trigg for doing the background work and having her contact you. As our resident, hmmm?? how you spell that again..? You are the perfect person in this situation.


And to hear you say that jenny and most importantly her daughter can go on to over come this, puts my mind at rest.


The rest, Green Card, housing etc are excellent!


Wishing them the best. Great to see people making a positive impact on life rather then this buffetted about that the visa process does.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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So now ...Who gets the extra I.Q. point, me for asking how to spell it... proving I ain't ashame to be dumb.. or you for spelling it... proving your perrty smart for knowing how to spell it... hmmm :lol: :D


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth


It has to be a chinese word coz it don't sound like it spell.. if it was Japanese.. well it would spell just like it sounds... and don't go talking about them latins.. they have enough troubles with the extrs.. thingies on the letters.. got to spell AND draw pics too.. geez

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Thanks Trigg for the wonderful news. Last weekend I told Vivian about Jenny's situation. Vivian said she had heard about it on 001, but was alittle afraid to discuss this story with me. She was thrilled to hear about what the folks here on the candle are doing for Jenny and her daugher.


She and her daughter are finally coming here a week from Friday. What a long wait it has been. (I understand how this kind of story can put a little fear in this whole process for her and the other ladies (and men) waiting to be with their love one. The majority of our fiance(e)'s are giving up the most to come here and live with us. I most likely would have the same sorta feelings, if I were going there to live.)


I know Vivian will be very happy to hear and read this update. Again Trigg, xie xie ni.


Russ & Vivian

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