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some General questions if not mind

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Hi All

thanks for the help so far. you guys rock n roll. now that my wife's k3 is at GZ custom, i guess the interview is at any date now. both my wife and I are little nervious.


some general questions if you don't mind me asking. please execuse me if my questions sound stupid to you.


could some one point me some reading on how to handle the interview process? should my wife speak Chinese or English at interview? she can read and write in english fine, but speaking and listening is bit tough for her.


what kind of interview questions that VO will likely be asking and what kind of documents that my wife should be presenting at the time of interview.


what's the failure rate of visa being rejected at GZ? from what i have heard GZ VOs are pretty tough and ruthless, they reject VISAs with no reason.


finally, would my presence at her interview help her obtaining visa?


I hope I didn't ask too many questions and confusing too many readers.

I would just like to be sure and be certain on the process and get the visa for her on the first try...


thanks for all your help




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Hi Feilix,


If you want to get the visa on the first try, I would suggest to visit the CFL website on a regular basis. There are many questions asked and answered, that can help you and your wife be very prepared for the interview.


My K1 petition arrived at GZ customs on 7/19/04 and cleared customs on 8/11/04. At this point we are still waiting for P4 and hoping for a March interview.


Your SO can request an interview in English or Chinese. Many think it is best to use English since this more firmly proves that she can communicate with you. This in turn supports the fact, that you are more likely to have a bona fide relationship.


Everything your wife needs to take to the interview will be listed in the P3 and P4 packets when she receives them.


I don't think anyone knows the success or failure rate at interviews. But CFL members have a pretty good success rate. Check out the success rate for January interviews.



Here is a list of 95 InterviewQuestions from the Links and Resources forum.



Good Luck! I'm sure others can give you additional advice.

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