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Being There

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We have been planning all along for me to be in Guangzhou when we have our interview so my MM can have my visa in hand for the interview.


What is everyone’s take on the benefit of being in Guangzhou for the interview?


We have recently been considering my not going to Guangzhou for the interview and saving my vacation time for a trip to Hawaii for our wedding and honeymoon.


A warm tropical beach in Maui sounds like a wonderful place for a wedding


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You never know what might pop up at the last minute. I was there with Jingwen during the process, and I hand carried all the supporting documentation that I had accumulated in the states - I didn't want to trust these to the postal or private mail services. My being there also allowed her to show my passport to the VO, and it certainly gave her emotional support during this final phase.


If you check John's running tally (John & Hai Yan), you'll see that it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference unless, as Trigg points out, something goes South.

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If you have a rock solid case and plenty of evidence, than your being there will not make any difference. But if the VO goes into the interview with any doubts and is looking for some more evidence of your relationship, than your waiting outside could be a huge factor in their decision making process. Also, if there is a blue slip issued, especially a request for a communication video, it will be much easier to deal with in person.


That being said, I sure wish I had some vacation time to take my wife to Hawaii for a honeymoon! :)

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