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Delivering Babies in America

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I know there are a lot of future CFL babies and some of them might be born in the U.S. Nicola couldn't get health insurance because she was pregnant when she got here and every company we tried for denied her because of her "Pre-existing condition". Well we soon realized that although we are not in any means rich we don't qualify for Medicare and we're headed down the road of "self-pay".

I didn't know this at all but you can bargain with hospitals. We got 50% off everything the hospital billed us by calling and explaining to them how hard the bills are on us and that if they would not help us out with the price we wouldn't be able to pay any of it. Some of the smaller amounts we're discounted 15-20% but with blood tests every few weeks it sure did add up. Also the last bill was for $6,500. That was for the two night hospital stay. I could not sleep last night worrying about wheather or not this was going to ruin my credit if I didn't pay. I finally got the courage to call them today and explain to the hospital that we had already paid $1,200 to preadmit Nicola into the hospital and had paid $680 for her anestia not to mention $2,400 for the doctor visits and delivery charge from her doctor. Because I am self-employed and we didn't have health insurance this pregnancy had already cost us $9,400 ($5,000 of which we had to borrow to pay). After I explained all this to the hospital I told them that they could either ruin my credit even though I have paid every bill up to date in full (with discounts of course) or leave me alone. They called me back later that day and said the bill was changed to 0. I was so relieved. I didn't expect it at all and was praying to get a $2,000 or $1,500 bill. I know a lot of you have health insurance through your work but i'm hoping to reach the few that don't. Uncle Trigg said kids were expensive but I never thought they cost so much at 2 weeks old!!

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Here in Alaska we use "midwives".

No hospital unless there are difficulites.

They do the pre-delivery usually done by a doctor and delivery.

Doctor is on duty for consultation/advice and on call in case of emergency.

They have a room at their clinic for births or it can be done at the pesons home.

Much less expensive and more natural.

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................every company we tried for denied her because of her "Pre-existing condition". ...............

Some good friends of mine are coming up on their daughters second birthday in march. lucky for him his wife was studying to become a lawyer in NJ.. which she now is.


They got the same BS story from his insurance company and they had also thought to delay their marriage so that she would qualify for state help.


In the end she wrote them a very strong letter pointing out the fact that this pre-exsisting condition was in fact illegal and that pregnancy was NOT a sickness and in fact controled a pregnant woman's right to change jobs during this time etc etc..


They got their insurance and have a very cute..:P just saw her most current pic, and healthy, happy daughter. So my suggestion is get a lawyer and think about who you vote for next election.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth... at just 6'000.00 RMB in this commie country

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I hate gd insurance with a passion. One of my sons is disabled, but his medical costs are covered by insurance. If you wonder why rates are so high consider his wheelchair. The vendor will submit the bill to insurance at about twice the retail value. The insurance company balks and offers a discount. The vendor takes the discounted reimbursement and makes more money than had he sold the damn thing directly to me without insurance coverage. My step-daughter is pregnant but not married. My insurance company will cover her provided she is not married. Her lao gong does not have insurance so, unfortunately, the decision on whether the two should get married has become an economic decision more than anything else.


I hate gd insurance with a passion.

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