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email from GZ

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Ok, here is a copy of my email to Guangzhou and their reply:



Our packet 3 was returned on Sept 29, 2004. Could you please give us an

approximate time to expect packet 4 and the interview date?


Also, how long are I-134 forms and supporting documents good for? Could

you please provide an approximate date from the interview that they are

acceptable, such as 45 days, 3 months, 6 months....





Dear Mr. XXXX,


Please note that the case is now under processing for an interview

scheduling. We will probably schedule the interview for her in around 4

to 5

months. Once we complete it, we will notify you and her.



First of all, they are really confused if they think "amber" is a man's name.. but anyways..

4 to 5 months!!! What!!?? We should be looking at 4 months at the most... hmm.. Also... they didn't even attempt to answer the 2nd question.


I hope this doesn't mean a current slow down....

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ok.. thanks Carl.

But does anyone here know the answer to my second question? Here it is again:


how long are I-134 forms and supporting documents good for? Could

you please provide an approximate date from the interview that they are

acceptable, such as 45 days, 3 months, 6 months....


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Technically all documents are good for one year except divorce and birth cerificates which don't have an expiration date. Probably it is a good idea to have your financial documents police checks and single certs as recent as possible. If they are within 3months or so I wouldn't sweat it. Sometimes if GZ feels like it they may ask for more recent proof of income.

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Dear Mr Amber, We are blowing you off in the politest way we know how.

Regards, Graf Zepplin


I think the correct answer is 6 months. (see bottom)


Amber, All I found on the 134 from USICS was this...






When does a sponsor's obligation to support sponsored aliens end?


The sponsorship obligation continues until the sponsored alien naturalizes, has worked or can be credited with 40 quarters of work, leaves the United States permanently, or dies. However, a sponsor or the sponsor's estate remains liable for any support or requests for repayment of benefits that arose before the support obligation ended.


When are affidavits of support filed?


For Consular processing overseas, applicants for immigrant visas file affidavits of support with Consular Officers on the date they are interviewed for their immigrant visas. For adjustment of status cases filed with INS, affidavits of support are filed on the date the adjustment of status (Form I-485) is filed with the Service, which will be at least several weeks before the interview is held. The affidavit of support may not be filed with the immigrant visa petition (Forms I-130 or I-140) unless the petition is filed concurrently with the adjustment of status application (Form I-485). The affidavit of support must have been completed and signed within 6 months of its filing with the Consular Service or INS.


Amber, By the way were your ears burning last night? My wife mentioned about how great she thought it would be to have twins. I told her about you. Ouwwyee!!!http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/60.gif

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Well, I've been shocked the last couple times I mailed, they've actually replied to what I said. Today it was "Thank you for your email. Mr. Lin's interview has not been set. We cannot consider the expedition until we receive your doctor's statement. "


I was torn between frustration that he hasn't got an interview and they haven't registered the doc note and being pleased that at least I got an answer (and they got the right sex for both of us)!

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I too just recieved a reply to an email I sent asking if a interview date had been set:


Dear Mr. 'my name here',


Please be advised that Ms. 'her name here' case is waiting to be scheduled for a visa interview. However, given the high volume of cases this office processes, it is difficult to predict how long it will take before she is scheduled for a visa interview. We will send Ms. 'her name here too' the appointment packet via courier mail as soon as her interview date is assigned.




Immigrant Visa Unit

U.S. Consulate General, Guangzhou


I am happy they did not respond with the 4-5 month timeline



We are hoping to see our P4 before the New Year holiday.


Let's see those P4's



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