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Good news, the wait is over

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I can not believe what just happen. My beautiful lao po has pass the interview and received her visa. After one year and nine months of getting married, we will finally be together forever. I am still in shock over this because I was preparing for the worst. I do want to thank everyone who has posted information and their interview experience on CFL. This has help us so much. So it is only fitting that I post my lao po's experience to help those of you who are still waiting for their interview. These are her words, "

Oh my love , let me share the interview adventure with you . last night , i and my father were hard to sleep , this early morning , we get up so early , my father was so thoughtful , he made the instant noodles for me for breakfast ,It made me so stuffed ;-) it was 7.30 AM . We went for consult office , when we get there , there were so many people waiting for there . it was 9.o'clock , we can get into the consult office , but my poor father had to wait for me outside in the cold :-) we first sent our documents then give them my finger print , and we sweared all we would said is true . , and they give me a number "64" , it was 11.20 , i heard "number 64 please come to window 10 " , oh , it was me for interview ! Honest to you ,i did not feel any nervous , the people around me shake hands with me and wish i get white slip quickly .Oh my love, when i see the visa officer ,i did know i will get the visa , because he look so nice :-) he is a white man , tall and a little fat .I first wanted to send him my documents lists , he said no , he didn't need to see that . Then he asked me questions , question 1 , who is your petitioner ? Me : my husband Timothy James Frasche . Question 2 , how did you meet ? Me. we meet on internet . Questions 3 , which web site ? me : friend-finder .He said , Asian Friend-finder ? me: no, just Friend-Finder . Question 4 how many times did he come to see you ? Me: twice . Questions 5 when did he visit you ? me: first time it was SAR time , it was Apr 25 2003, the second is Sep 25 2004 . in that time ,i want to give him our pictures , he said : not yet . then , Question 6 what is his job ? Me: he work in Apple computers , his job is computer technician . Question 7, if you get married before ?Me: never , this is my first marriage and my husband is too . then , they ask me to see 134 form , when he said he need see tax return, I did not understand , he speak this with me in Chinese , it surprise me ! :-) at last , he said he need see the pictures , i gave him the pictures that we taken when you second visit me , we and my family and friends and co works , and i told him it was taken in Chinese national day and you are so handsome man :-) he smiled to me , you and my family and co works and friends in chongqing . ok, after see the pictures ,i can see take out of white slip and give me and told me you need come back 4 o'clock tomorrow , then i can feel my smile was so big then :-) when i get the while slip ,i still said "your chinese is so good " he said "no no no" it made me giggle so much , we said bye bye , then i left consult office ,i smiled so much , and so many people can see the success on my face and congratulations to me !"

To be honest with everyone, I do feel cheated some how. We have look and prepared every possible pieces of paper work to "prove" our relationship. This drove as so crazy to get all of this ready. She had to carry all of this "proof" and they did not look at it all. <sigh> I guess too much paper work is better then too little paper work. I should not complain because at the end of the day, she has her visa and in six days, she will be in my arms. That is all that matters to me now. Good luck to everyone who is waiting right now. I do hope that your interview goes as easy as my beautiful lao po's did. Thank you again, for all of your hard work to post your interview adventures. :D

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Congrats! I share your sentiments for what seems like over-preparing for the interview. But the truth is you can't take anything for granted at the interview. It is always better to go in with lots of documents that they never look at, rather than not having something that is asked for.


Best wishes to you both for the future! :rolleyes:

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