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GZ interview questions

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I thought I would post my fiancee's questions from the interview with the VO on Jan 4. It has now been a couple of days since the interview so we have finally floated back down to earth. Sorry for the delay, but celebrations comes first!!! VO was a middled aged man, and kept looking at his watch during the interview.

VO:Can you speak in English?

SO: Yes, of course.

VO: (to translator) I will not need you for this one.

SO: (hands passport to VO along with USC passport)

VO: Oh, you left fiance outside?

SO:(nodded yes)

VO:How many times your fiance come to China?


VO:How do you know each other?

SO:We met on the internet.

VO:Does he have any brothers or sisters?

SO: Two brothers.

VO:What's his parent's names?

SO:**** and ****.

VO: What's his job?


VO:What's your fiance's full name?


VO:Where does he live?


VO:Give me financial support.

SO:(Hands him the I-134 form)

VO:Where is your previous husband?

SO:In ******

VO:After your divorce, do have contact with him?

SO: no.

VO: Do you have any children?

SO: no.

VO:When will you get married?

SO: As soon as possible after we arrive in America.


These are our (her) best recollections of the questions. Hope others will be helped by this.

Craig :D

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