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Has anyone ever gotten a visitor's visa to US for

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Hi there.

My roommate just found out she has cancer and has to go to surgery ASAP. Her mom is really worried about not being here to care for her. Her mom wants her to go back to China, but the surgeons there use a different (old school for US) method of operation for this type of cancer. My roommate wants to have the surgery here but her mom will be sick with worry. Is there a way to get a visitor's visa for her mom, PRONTO?





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Hi there.

My roommate just found out she has cancer and has to go to surgery ASAP. Her mom is really worried about not being here to care for her. Her mom wants her to go back to China, but the surgeons there use a different (old school for US) method of operation for this type of cancer. My roommate wants to have the surgery here but her mom will be sick with worry. Is there a way to get a visitor's visa for her mom, PRONTO?





Tis very sad to hear this.


All I can say is the compiled wisdom from what others have shared with me for getting a visa to the US:


1. you need proof that you will return: such proof can be had by the following (albeit incomplete methods)


a. family still remains in china (eg: if your friend is married, have the spouse remain behind)

b. businesses in china (if they *own* a business)

c. steady and well paying / highly respected job in china (usually applies if you are a professor or a major celebrity or player of some type)

d. high income (the us laws allow for a green card to be issued for something like 1.5 million, depending on how the money is invested, so if you have enough cash, this is likely to be ok)


there are many other factors, including how the CO feels. Good luck, especially to the friend undergoing the operation...but I would not get my hopes up for a visa...

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I can't answer that (I would assume it still depends on the whim of the CO - one widow of a Chinese man killed in NY was rejected a visa to get his body...)


But I just wanted to say I'm very sorry - that would be horrible. Is this the same one who wasn't eating or going out?

yeah....same girl. She is eating now, thankfully!


Thanks for your replies! I called the BJ embassy and they said that she needs to fax a letter from the doctor and a written cover letter along with the contact info for her mom. I hope it is not just hot air, but they said it would be "no problem." ;)

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