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How do you notarize your passport?

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Check the Sec. of State website. I saw A to Z about public Notary when I checked last time. After reading more, it sounds like it needs to be a higher level seal than just a public notary.




This link is for California, must be similar for all 50 states, I would imagine.




§ 8223. Notary public with expertise in immigration matters; prohibition against advertising status as notary public; change in immigration status; fees

(a.) No notary public who holds himself or herself out as being an immigration specialist, immigration consultant or any other title or description reflecting an expertise in immigration matters shall advertise in any manner whatsoever that he or she is a notary public.


(b.) A notary public qualified and bonded as an immigration consultant under Chapter 19.5 (commencing with Section 22440) of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code may enter data, provided by the client, on immigration forms provided by a federal or state agency. The fee for this service shall not exceed ten dollars ($10) per individual for each set of forms. If notary services are performed in relation to the set of immigration forms, additional fees may be collected pursuant to Section 8211. This fee limitation shall not apply to an attorney, who is also a notary public, who is rendering professional services regarding immigration matters.


(c.) Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt a notary public who enters data on an immigration form at the direction of a client, or otherwise performs the services of an immigration consultant, as defined by Section 22441 of the Business and Professions Code, from the requirements of Chapter 19.5 (commencing with Section 22440) of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code. A notary public who is not qualified and bonded as an immigration consultant under Chapter 19.5 (commencing with Section 22440) of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code may not enter data provided by a client on immigration forms nor otherwise perform the services of an immigration consultant.

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We just had a very lengthy discussion on this a few days ago.

Here is an excert from that discussion.. Hope it helps/

You make a copy of the pages with your data and picture on it and copies of the Chinese visa stamps exit / entry

from the other post::

OK let me set you all straight,, your close but a little confused..

You do get your passport or any document you want a copy of certified here is how it works and the confusion you are having.


You have your signature notorized when you SIGN something ie I write a letter and sign my name in front of a notory they confirm with signature and stamp that your are the person signing..


Certifing a document does not include any signature in fact if you sign a document you want certified as a true copy it would cancel the notorys stamp..Only the Notory signs a certified copy. They attest to the fact that they have see the original and that the are giving their OK that this is an exact copy.


You are going to send a CERTIFIED COPY of you passport or what ever document you are sending.. What the Notary does is ceritify it as a true copy. They have seen the origanal which you will present to them they look at it and say yeah its the same and Certify that they/you have made a true copy of the original.


How I do it is like this I go to my trusty computer go into word or what ever look at the document you want certified and find a fairly clear spot in the document the one you want certified. I then match that spot to about where I will put this stement:


This is a true certified copy of the passport belonging to MIKE LAST NAME


Type that on your word document on your screen and print it now you will have a blank page with just the: this is a true copy etc etc on it.


Next do one of two things put the document you want certifed the original on your SCANNER passport etc and the piece of paper you have with the This is a true certified copy in your Printer feed tray orienting face up or down you want to print your copy from scanner on to this-- and hit your scanner when the scanner prints the document you will have a copy of your document with the this is a true certified copy on the page along with a copy of the document sort of like having this is a true copy in the back ground.

Or take it to a copy center and feed that through the copy machine and copy the document. Make several pages with the statement on it in case you need more then one to figure which side will print up,


Then take it to your Bank or Notory and have CERTIFIED as a true copy.

Thats what you need to tell them.

You printed this already and is in the back ground of the document copy.

The notory will stamp and sign either above or below the TRUE certified copy statemet and will love that you did this and now you have a certified copy of your document.

I do this in color on my scanner and printer and it is very impressive.. The Notory will love it and ask how did you do this


Oh and by the way if YOU make the copy and just want it certified as a true copy they are not breaking the Law on any document you present you are just asking them to verify/certify with notory stamp that it is a true copy. So if you want to report yourself to the law I guess that would be up to you. They did not make the copy so what you do is really none of their business. They just verify/certify that it is a true copy.. I have NEVER had any Notory balk at doing this. Most know about certifing a true copy.

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