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Hello to everyone on this site!


I am new here and just wanted to introduce myself. Thank you for contributing to such a great site and resource. I will definitely be needing advice in the next few months.


I have been writing to a sweet young lady named Lan for about three months now and I will be meeting her in Guangzhou in February. If all

goes well I will be starting the paperwork process then. So far it feels good, and I am very excited.


It is so unfortunate that the application for visa is such a long and drawn out process. But as I see from reading your posts, it is a good measure of our endurance and character. It is nice to see people offering the moral support here.


I look forward to getting to know you in the days to come.

Thanks, Greg -- Atlanta, GA

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Welcome Greg, to the most frustrating process you'll ever endure!


Just when you think it has gotten bad, It gets worse. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, It gets worser still. This process will give you wrinkles and gray hair. But the wait is totally worth it. I feel as if i have hit the lottery every single day.


Patrick :rolleyes:

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