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Marriage in Nanning

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Hello everyone,


I just recently returned back to San Diego, after traveling to Nanning and getting our first official marriage registration (The little red book). I am planning another trip on April of 2005 for a more formal wedding and ceremony arrangement. I am looking forward to a real ceremony.


My wife and I need the assistance from the audience out there. To the best of my knowledge, I understand that there is a time frame of 8-12 months before my wife can be schedule for the famous "interview" at the American Consulate at Guangzhou. My wife's English is very poor, so she is extremely worried about the communication and the type of questions they will ask her.


If possible can someone please give us an idea of what can she expect? Better yet, you can give us an idea of what we both can expect. From dealing with the red tape, headaches and the things I should start doing now.


I understand the audience out there does not me from Adam, but all your help pertaining to this matter will be most appreciated.


You can reach me at almaldonado07@msn.com or my cell phone 858-337-6827.


I do thank you in advance for your assistance.





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Welcome to CFL Alberto. My wife as well as many others here is from Nanning. If you just got married then you need to get your paperwork rolling ASAP so you can settle in for the long wait. Figure at least a year and hope for less. Since you married in China you will need to file the I-130 first. My wife came here on a K-1 visa so I am not as up to speed on K-3 visas. Others here can help you more with that. Basically it comes down like this

File the I-30 and wait for NOA-1 (notice of action) which is pretty much just a receipt

file the I129-F

Sit back and see which gets approved the fastest.

The papers then go to the National visa center where some security checks are done then on to the american consulate in Guangzhou.

After aging properly in the DHL warehouse it will be picked up by the consulate and entered into the system and P-3 will be sent to your wife. She wil then fill out some papers and send them back. Then you get to wait some more maybe 4-6 months for an interview. If all goes well she will get her visa the following day.


I would strongly recomend that your wife use the next 12 months studying English. Many women are denied at interview because the visa officer doesn't feel they can communicate welll enough to have a valid relationship. Good luck!

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Warped covered it pretty well, I married first then applied, although I never did apply with a 129F. By the time I got to this site, and learned you can do both, a call to the INS convinced me that I was far enough ahead not to worry about the 129F.... ( I actually received a helpful lady at the INS.. miracles never cease. ) The wait is the hard part. Go to onesuite.com and get a calling card number, its so cheap through them, and talk, talk talk... to help her with english. Patience is the key to all of this process.... right folks? :blink:

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Patience is the key to all of this process.... right folks? :blink:

No doubt that patience is essential, followed by a keen eye for detail when filling out the forms. The key with the forms is filling them out correctly the first time and submitting everything that is requested. Then listen and learn from everyone else's experiences.


Best of luck and welcome to the group. We are all here to support each other.


-jim and Ningning

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Since you are just starting and plan on going back in April of - 05, have a great time. You should probably try to plan on being with your wife when she goes to GZ for the infamous interview. This will help her to be a bit more relaxed knowing you will be with her. Since you have a year to plan this is the best way to go expecially if you are concerned about her English.


Welcome to CFL, you will learn a lot from all the people that have gone or are going through this process. When dealing with our wonderful government keep one thing in mind, if something can go wrong it usually will. However, when all is said and done it will be well worth it.


Good luck and don't be afraid to ask any questions!!

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