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Biggest luxury for American in China

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Take a trip to BeiHei - 4 stars...ahhhh a real western toilet and there is Yun standing on the toilet seat squatting. When I tell her to get down...the answer is,"No can go". I wonder what the bathroom fixture arrangement is going to look like when she finally gets to America????

Phil & Yun

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The squat-style toilets are really the best way to go (pun intended).  Western-style toilets are bacteria bowls, and public ones are often times the most disgusty, filthy, nasty and most foul things on earth.


The squat-style toilets are much more sanitary and hygenic.  No part of exposed flesh ever touches anything.  Only the bottom of one's shoes touch anything.  Can't get more hygenic than that.


And I think there is much to be said about the health benefits of squatters too.  Checkout this website (for anything and everything you ever wanted to know about the health benefits of the squat technique):


Health Benefits of the Natural Squatting Position


For anyone who may be a bit confused about how to use a squatter, click here for a handy demonstration  :lol:

LMAO that was very good, there are two problems, one your aim (hitting the hole) and two balance. Mine is awful on both counts.

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LMAO that was very good, there are two problems, one your aim (hitting the hole) and two balance.  Mine is awful on both counts.

Thats why I posted before, try it on a moving train.


I had too once also on a 14 hour train from Xian to Shangrao, failed in both cases...had to use the bucket to clean the toilet and it got all over my pants at the ankles. Why are your pants so wet and dirty lao gong?

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