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No news on our case....

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Filled November 2003 I don't know one way or the other if name check is completed. P3 early August have called DOS many times since then have to wake up 2:30 AM to call DOS from Hawaii Always get same answer P3 is in Guangzho Consalate. I ask do you have any more info. do you know if name check is completed No more info Interview is not schueled yet P3 has been recieved. I am praying for a February interview Thats 15 months and if the name check is not done yet what am I looking at another six months or more my heart is very heavy. The woman I Love is Hopeful but very very dissapointed and hurt by this system it has disrupted her whole life The waiting is hard enough for me but I don't knoiw how she can Bear it. The doubts of her friends and family her own feelings of what could be the problem. These men and women in China waiting to come here and be with us all need our unresolved support and should be comeneded on thier strength and faith. I know I found the right woman for me and I tell her that daily. I don't complain about the time when I talk with her I don't want her to feel any worse. Sure I tell her how much I miss her. I try and talk about how great our life will be in the future and how lucky I am that I know her now. How Good the present is because she is in my life we have the rest of our lives to live together. Then when I am of the phoneI pray that soon we will get the interview date. I will try calling DOS again tonight hopeing for good news.Thanks

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This is the first post that I have responded on this web site. I beg you to hang in there! If your relationship is true and sincere then wait a few month is NOTHING compare to the of having your wife/husband with you for the rest of your life. I am teased daily at work that waiting this long is training for the wait for our first baby. Are you kidding? Waiting for nine months is nothing! It is a drop in the bucket comparison to the long wait the US government runs us through. Remember, there is always hope. Let me enlighten every one on my story. I meet Xue mei over the internet through a dating service in August 2002. We started our relationship through emails then through the phone. We belong to the generation that uses the internet to start our life. We fell in love. This is something that was new to us. You know that feeling of being sacred yet excited at the same time? We were in were total in love with each other and we wanted to spend the rest of our life together. At this point in our story, we still have not meet each other. We were able to be the best of friends and trust each other so much. We proposed to each other over the internet in March of 2003. This just happen to us so naturally. After doing some research, we found that it did not matter if we married in the US or in China. It was very frustrating to prove to the Chinese government that you are signal but the paper work was sign and seal. In April 2003, I flew to her. I have never flown outside of the US. I did not know any Chinese. I could not read any Chinese. Also, it was in the middle of SARS too, yet I still went. We had a wonderful time together. Sure we were just a little nervous at first but it really felt like meeting an old best friend. I meet her family right after we got married in Chendu, China. Her family supported her decision and excepted me with open arms. My family support me as well. I had to do the hardest thing in my life at the time was to leave my wife behind. In July 2003, I sign up with a visa service to help out with all of the paper work for the K3 visa. Xue Mei's job found out that she would be leaving soon because she was married. So they let her go. I t step in to support her while she waited for news about our case. The visa service was wonderful at keeping us inform on what was going with our case and the numbers at the DOS and the NVC to call too. The I-129 was approved in November of 2003. Her name went through all the name checks. I am sure you are all aware just how long these name checks can be. She received packet 3 in March, 2004, fill it out then sent it back in. Then our case went through another name check. Our one year wedding anniversary came and went. The I-130 was approved in November, 2004. She was still in a name check. After a year and a half of not able to see her, I flew back to China to spend some more time with her. We had another wonderful visit. It really felt like there was no time in-between our last visit. So magical! After coming back home, there was still no word and that consulate office could say anything but "wait". The visa service believe, because of the unusual long wait time, that she may be in a re-check process. The consulate office and DOS did not say or could say if she was in a re-check process. Finally, December, 2004 she received her packet 4 and the interview date for January, 2005. The wait is almost over for us and we are both so excited! To be completely honest with everyone here, the wait has given us the best test for our relationship. It has make us closer to each other's heart. This was our first test as a couple. We have had no regrets and we would go through this long wait all over again just for each other. Please hang in there. Love is worth the wait and this is just apart of the test that life has for us all. If you can make it through this wait, then you will be a better couple in your life together because you learn to be strong and support each other when the other is feeling down. I do wish everyone the best of luck with their relationship and the long wait. It is truly worth it my friends. Thank you taking the time to listen to my story. :-) :rolleyes:

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To be completely honest with everyone here, the wait has given us the best test for our relationship. It has make us closer to each other's heart. This was our first test as a couple. We have had no regrets and we would go through this long wait all over again just for each other. Please hang in there. Love is worth the wait and this is just apart of the test that life has for us all. If you can make it through this wait, then you will be a better couple in your life together because you learn to be strong and support each other when the other is feeling down.

I feel that this is so true, I think after being apart for so long not only are we even more sure that he/she is the one for us, but the love and dedication are stronger. I am very lucky that I can live with my husband and be together through this process, but we also went through one year of living apart, waiting to start our lives together. Everyone says its always hard when a couple starts living together, and when I moved to Beijing it was hard, but it was nothing compared to living without him for that year. Try to think about how this is the hardest part, and after helping each other through this, whatever problems you might have together later will be easy to solve.


During the year that I was apart from my husband, one thing that made it even harder was there was hardly anyone around me who could understand what i was going through. All my friends were either skeptical that a long distance relationship could work, or else they thought it was some kind of romantic fairy tale story. I hated when people said that to me, maybe to them we looked like some kind of star crossed lovers, but it sure doesn't feel romantic when you're crying by yourself waiting for him to go online. Everyone here is lucky that we have each other, people who know exactly how you feel, who have been through it, to let you know you're not the only one this is happening to.


The other thing I want to stress is what lele said, that we are all incredibly lucky to have found our soulmates. This does not happen for everyone, we should try not to take it for granted. After all, which would you rather? Never knowing if "the one" is even out there, or having found your "one" and just waiting to be reunited? You will be together and then you will have the rest of your lives together! Remind yourself of that and you will make it through!

Each day that you get through is one day closer to the day you will be together!


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Welcome Aboard and Thanks for sharing :D You are a very patient man, I think my head would have exploded by this time.


Congratulations on your interveiw date. Good Luck and let us know how it goes :D

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Hello All ! :D

I have been in the background for many months, and have gathered very good information here at CFL! :D From looking at all the time lines, it will be a big crowd of us in GUZ about February maybe! :D I would just like to wish all of you that has gone through the headaches as I have, the best of luck getting your honey's over very soon! :lol:


See you in GUZ!


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Thank you all for your support, I'm aware that this is a true test of love, and my dear Qisheng knows of my commitment to him. T & X, after reading your story, which I appreciate so much you sharing it with us, I feel like we will finally get an answer and there will be a happy ending for us just like yours. I have not shared this with you guys before, but because of my present age we're running out of time for having our baby, and this visa process will definitely affect our aim :D :D :( y this being one of the reasons why I'm so frustrated with our current situation. Today my SO mentioned that he read a newspaper article about USA negotiating with China to allow chinese citizens to travel as tourists to US without visas and that they expect to reach a final agreement before May 2005. If this is true, then I wonder what will happen to all of us waiting to bring our loved ones home after going through such a bureaucratic process. Will they also make it easier for couples like us to be reunited sooner???

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