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I was an English teacher (I taught at Shenzhen Zhong Xue and also Com.Com English center in Shenzhen and at Informatics in Shanghai)- now I am in law school and my husband did insurance in China and has an MBA from here but he has his own business now.


nousername- if your wife's english is good and since you both are so young maybe she should take some classes towards doing something in the states or start her own business or something like that. It's very important that she at least takes classes until she works or else she will go crazy with boredom- I spent a few months not working in China and it was not very fun.

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Yes- I did teach through the Memphis program- in 2001- I might have heard about you from a student named Candy- yep- good old Shenzhen Zhong Xue- I taught the younger students- the 6th and 7th and, maybe 8th graders- I can't remember- but I lived in the 3 bedroom (smallest bedroom) with two people. The Foreign Language School people lived there as well- and Amy (who was new my year- an Charles was there for half of the year). So weird- what a small world!

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Hi everyone,


I am a Supervisor for the Naval Aviation Depot Maintenance for the DOD of the US NAVY, but I am not in the Navy. I am a civil service employee who has been employed with the DOD for 21 years. My job consist in the overhaul of the Navy's two Propeller driven aircrafts, the E2C and the P3. The two aircraft assist in the war zone in the middle east, and also support the carriers in the Navy fleet. Our job is in direct support of the needs of the Navy and the fleet.

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Candy...I think i remember that name. You must mean Charles Hall...he is quite a guy...


Did you know Kristin? ...there were some others that I think were still around...


regardless..if you worked at shenzhen middle school you must have known rocky. I had dinner with him last week.



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Candy is this girl who always came to our room to practice her english and flirt with whatever boys we had on hand. Yes- I remember Rocky. He was really helpful to us. He should remember me- but he would probably know my roommate Amanda better- ask him about it- Amanda is the one who dated the Korean guy- and I think Rocky actually met my husband before as well. Rocky hung out the most with this guy Luther- I think they played basketball together or something.

I know there was a boy who taught in my section before me- but I forget the name. Yes- Charles Hall is pretty nice to be around- but he sucks at sending recommendation letters- I had to write my own and he just needed to sign it and he still didn't get it sent off it time for law school.

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It's really interesting to see all the diversity we have here.


Ryan- Xiao Ming and I have also been thinking a lot about what he can do. One important reason we hope I get accepted into grad school in Chicago is because there will be a lot more job opportunities for him. We know a couple from Dalian (US woman/Chinese man) who did the K-1 and when they moved back to the US, the guy couldn't find a job so they moved to a bigger city (Boston) for him.


Xiao ming only has a 3 year university degree so we are thinking he can do some work as a translator- they just opened a new Chinese cultural center in Chicago. Or how about working at the airport for a Chinese airline? Anything where he can use his excellent English and of course fluent Chinese. He will also probably go to school part time to study either vet-tech or physical therapy. Or maybe do 1 or 2 more years to get his bachelor's. The best thing would be if he could work for a business that wants to expand into China- he'd be great at that and it pays quite well.


Hope that gives u guys some ideas!

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I had two roomates at the time...Matt Lee and Rory....something...cant remember.


Amanda...that name sounds familar too...


I have also heard of Luther...I know that rocky has mentioned him a couple times before.


its funny...i knew that there had to be at least one other person on this board that was related with the memphis program.



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As most know, I am working editing for CCTV, after two years at Xinhua News Agency. Tired of gov't propaganda .... looking forward to, if all goes according to current plan, being a mostly full time mama (will try to develop more freelance if I have the energy). Jack is an English teacher, hopefully going to be a student at Ohio University next school year ..

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