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July P3 List - Have or Hoping for P4!

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This is just so wonderful news for so many of us who have waited so long, and I think it is also inspiring for those who are close behind.


Can we keep this list on the top page somehow? Can we pin this thread? It is useful for many who want to look at the list and perhaps see who else will be in GZ at the same time as them to get in touch.


-jim and Ningning

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Thanks for putting up the list.  Just wish we had a P4 and interview date to input.  We're still waiting for the second name check to clear.  According to my Senator's office, the problem may lie with the FBI.  Of course, they told the Senator's aide it will take 3-4 weeks to figure out why the name check has not been completed yet.  Ahh yes, wait somemore. :D

Hi Jon ; :o

Was just wondering how things were going. Any word yet?


Bea should be calling Ling any day now. Let hope she has some excellent news! :blink:


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth... on her way to GZ this monday for her birth cert and passport..little world traveler.. hehehe

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Hi Jon ; :(

Was just wondering how things were going. Any word yet?


Bea should be calling Ling any day now. Let hope she has some excellent news! :)


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth... on her way to GZ this monday for her birth cert and passport..little world traveler.. hehehe

Aloha Mark and Bea and Elizabeth!


Is Elizabeth growing bigger before your eyes!! Wow, a passport already. Is she going with Bea to the states or will you be watching her by yourself?


Just called DOS again today and still awaiting second name check approval. According to my Senator's office, the FBI is still checking Ling's name but they don't know why it's taking so long. :blink: They did tell her to tell me "Not to worry, they have plenty of people who have waited longer than us." :o :angry: :angry: This was supposed to make me feel better? :( Approaching 6 months for second name check, and 14 months overall. Trying to figure out what other options I have left to try. Write letters to the FBI or President Bush? Really feeling helpless and discouraged at the moment. Wondering if I should just say "to hell with the whole absurd process" move to China, marry Ling and live there the rest of my life? OK, OK that's just the pessimist inside of me speaking. Just have to keep on hoping that we'll see some progress one of these days.



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