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Got a Letter from NVC

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It's a little step, but I'm excited as hell.


NVC says they've assigned it a GUZ number and the case would be sent to GZ within a week. The letter was dated 11/18.


I didn't know they were working so fast. I was expecting 4-6 weeks. Am I just falling for their BS timeline or are they really moving it along that fast? Does everybody get the same timeframe or am I special?

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well, it took you almost 5 months from NOA1 to NOA 2, not exactly light speed -

The GUZ number is assigned with the NOA2.

After your papers are sent to GZ, then you enter the 2nd name check phase.

Call DOS once a week to see if the 2nd name check is completed. After that you will get the P3 and another wait . . . . but that may go faster because of the "bun in the oven"!!

Good Luck!

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NVC says they've assigned it a GUZ number and the case would be sent to GZ within a week.  The letter was dated 11/18.

Hi Mark,


As "Coz" suggested, once your case is received by GZ, they you can call the DoS for an update to check on the second name check status.


But be forwarned that just because the NVC says it sent the case to GZ, don't expect GZ to receive it for about 4 or 5 weeks (on average). This is due to China Customs. Typically your package will be sent from two separate offices (one from Portsmount New Hampshire (I think), and the second from Kentucky). The package from Kentucky is usually delayed for clearance issues (according to the DHL website).


Then, after GZ receives the case, it is usually about another 4 or 5 weeks for the second name check to complete (barring any unforeseen issues).


Following the completion of the second name check, then your case will be put in the queue, and as Coz mentioned, it might (should) receive priority.


Hope this helps.

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Hello Mark... I just got the same news today too!! (well, almost ... :lol: )


I called NVC and they told me my case was entered yeterday, 11/22, and that a GUZ number was assigned. But they told me that it will be 2-4 more weeks before they send it to GZ.


I have yet to receive the letter you mentioned. My case must have been delayed in getting to NVC, b/c my NOA2 date it one day before yours!! Anyway, I am happy things seem to be moving a long. :lol:


It might be useful to follow each others timelines, since our dates are close. BUT, since you are filing for a spouse visa, there might be differences. Does anyone know what are the difference at this point in the game for fiancee vs. spouse visa--in terms of NVC or GZ processing?


Well, congrats on this step!!



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once your case is received by GZ, they you can call the DoS for an update to check on the second name check status.

A couple questions about this:


1) What is DOS? Dept. of State, yes--but what is their role vs. NVC? Is there a different phone number??


2) What is the reason for asking about the 2nd name check immediately after GZ receives the case? Won't the answer be "no, it's not completed"?


thanks guys.

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Good questions Ryan, thanks.


I called NVC last week and was told that I had a GUZ number, but the lady couldn't give me a timeline for when it would leave NVC, so I was suprised to get the letter yesterday telling me it would be one week. (The same lady told me that pregnancy wasn't a reason to expedite the paperwork).


I don't know if there are differences in K-1 and K-3 once it gets to GZ, but the other difference is that my wife is preganant and I hope it'll get expedited.


I got a call from my Congressman's rep today and I told her about the letter. She said she would resubmit the request to GZ now, so that's great news for me.

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