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Second Name Check

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I think that the name checks at both stages are different, my main concern at this point is that I know of some CFL members whose P3's were sent around the same time as ours who are confronting the same problem with their name check not being completed. It's all very confusing, and the messages from the DOS people don't help at all. I wonder what agency is accountable for this: DOS? GZ? FBI? Who should take responsibility to give us an answer? This thing is killing me and our pockets also, I will go to China again next month because it's been almost a year since we don't see each other, it's so unfair.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Called DOS December 9th and a polite lady answered the phone (in 5 minutes - that was cool) and told me right away that our second name check was complete.


I now know what a wonderful feeling it is, to hear we have cleared that hurdle.


I was so excited I forgot to ask her if they had any idea when our interview would be scheduled.....duh.


This is especially good news for us, for on March 1st we will have waited two years for our visa to process.


Two years is a long wait, what it has shown us clearly is that we have a strong relationship that can endure...not to mention a patient relationship.


I have been to China so many times to visit my MM that she teases me and tells me I am becoming half Chinese. Which is a good thing…..


I know that many people wait long periods with only a phone and MSN between you. Know, that which is difficult to obtain becomes more valuable. Look at it as gold being put through the fire, all the ordinary metals are burned away in the furnace, leaving you with the most precious and pure gold.


We like to think that we are more lucky than most people, in that we will always value each other so dearly in life due to our love going through the fire of being separated by oceans, miles and mountains for so long.


Now I look forward to the moment when she can take her seat next to me on our flight home....it has always been an un-natural act for me to leave her at the airport, not being able to join me on the flight home.


Be of good cheer, there is always light at the end of the long tunnel.

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Two years is a long wait, what it has shown us clearly is that we have a strong relationship that can endure...not to mention a patient relationship.


I have been to China so many times to visit my MM that she teases me and tells me I am becoming half Chinese.  Which is a good thing…..


I know that many people wait long periods with only a phone and MSN between you.  Know, that which is difficult to obtain becomes more valuable.  Look at it as gold being put through the fire, all the ordinary metals are burned away in the furnace, leaving you with the most precious and pure gold. 


We like to think that we are more lucky than most people, in that we will always value each other so dearly in life due to our love going through the fire of being separated by oceans, miles and mountains for so long.


Now I look forward to the moment when she can take her seat next to me on our flight home....it has always been an un-natural act for me to leave her at the airport, not being able to join me on the flight home.


Be of good cheer, there is always light at the end of the long tunnel.

Very sweet and very encouraging.

Your long wait is almost over, soon you will be posting the interview date and looking for the thread 'things to do before your loved one arrives'

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Sometimes, if the Chinese applicant has a very common name and Guangzhou does a name check, more than one person comes up and what ever process they use to figure out who is who takes a long time thus delays the issuance of P-4. There are a few people here that have been through that Hell Hole...........................

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