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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to let CFL know that my fiancé passed her interview on the 9th and she will be coming here in about a week.


It has been a long, hard fought battle for us (about 18 months), as it seemed we were first in line for nearly every slowdown in the process; e.g., CSC coming to a near shutdown in late 03' and of course the slowdown from March-July hat we all faced (p3, p4). Fortunately, we did not have any 2nd name checks or problems with the paperwork.


Regarding the interview, it was pretty straight forward and my fiancé stated she saw the white slip on the VO's desk before the interview even began, although he unskillfully tried to keep it discreet. They asked the basic questions, such as when did we meet, how many times did I go to China and what was my job.


The only glitch we had was when my fiancé explained that I had changed jobs and in fact started a company, thus having a substantially lower income. The VO proceeded to 'grill' her on my company, revenue, etc...fortunately I included my corporate documents that he did look at carefully. This is a new company, so I had no taxes to show for last year.


Our VO was described to me as a relatively 'stocky' gentlemen with a kind demeanor. My fiancé also commented that her friend had an interview the same day with 'Miss Pearl', which lasted 3 minutes and she asked for no documents. Hopefully this is encouraging news for everyone.


At last, she was given the white slip and picked up her visa the following day.


I'm not sure how it is for everyone else that has gone through this, but for me it was a bittersweet experience. Bitter because every moment away from her gave me a lack of peace and it seemed cosmically unfair that two people with such a unwavering fate must be apart while bureaucracy takes it's own sweet time and sweet because with each passing day our love has grown stronger and I feel like the luckiest guy on planet earth (I know I am not alone on this feeling).


The whole concept of love has taken on a new meaning for me, as with time and experience, love takes on new meanings...and evolves. My grandmother always told me when you meet 'the one', you will just know, It is not something that can be reasoned, analyzed or figured out (nor should it be), it just is.

I have also added one more to the three certainties in life; we are born, we die and we pay taxes.....now I can add the fourth, I have found love.


Sorry about the long winded geyser of words here and for any of you who have bothered to read this far I wish you all the best of luck, it is worth it a hundred times over...ok ok, let's not exaggerate, a few times over :blink:


I will leave you all with one relative quote that has stuck with me through this experience:


"Regret for things we did can be tempered by TIME;

it is regret for the things we did not do that

is inconsolable."

Sydney Harris


This one is for all of you brave souls who took the chance and did it (k1/k3, etc).



Thanks for the support any of you have given!


California (Vaughn) Dreamin' :D

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And good post with good info.:


"My fiancee stated that she saw the white slip on the VO's desk even before the interview began, although he unskillfully tried to keep it discreet."


As you close, about time and regret .... maybe a lesson I finally took away from the first (very protracted ) adoption process .............


..............only regret -------- (and even then only to the point that it is a learning experience) ------------- those delays that YOU could have prevented............ the rest is out of our hands.....


Make BIG plans, and have a Great life together!

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Congratulations. Another CFL success. Although a few of us have had to overcome some major hurdles Our success rate is very high in the long run. I knowof only two cases that werent completely successful. One is still pending and the other I never heard if it was resolved or not. I find it very interesting about the white slip. More evidence for the arguement that the decision is made before the interview. Now get her over here and get on with the rest of your life. Good luck

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Congratulations Vaughn,


You have found that rare love that only comes to a few good people. You are a lucky man today. Take your good fortune and put everything you have into it. You have a new beginning now. Love her with all your heart and without surrender.


Remember always that the kindest gift you can give is appreciation.



Good luck to both of you.


-jim and Ningning

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