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Second Name Check

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Our case has been stuck in the infamous second name check for almost 4 months now, my congressman inquired about our case to GZ as well as to the FBI. GZ says interview can't be scheduled until they receive response from the US authorities, FBI says that my bf last name is very common so this always happens and they can't give us a definite date for resolution, then today I realized that the consulate spelled his first name incorrectly: they divided his first name into two parts, which I made sure not to do it in our paperwork and I now recall that it has caused many troubles to applicants in the past. The congressman's assistant promised to write back to the FBI's congressional liaison explaining this new issue, as when the man passed my fiance's correct name thru the database, it came back as "nothing to report". This whole process has taken the best of me, sometimes I think I don't have any energy left, what really keeps me going is the promise I once made to my better half that I will do whatever was needed to bring him home. We've had so many bumps on the road, first the P3 lost in the mail for 2 times, then the P3 was returned erroneously to him because info for his daughter was missing (we clearly stated she will not be applying for a visa), and now this...... It's all so frustrating... <_<

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I am so sorry for your long wait and especially for your distress. Keep hanging in here with us and we will try to keep your spirits up the best we can.


Really I do not believe that the name split apart thing is a real issue. I have not seen reports of the other cases you mention where it was a problem. I would bet that half of all Chinese people have a first name that could be either split or put together. You know in Chinese each part would have its own character. So I think this question is so common that it is a non-issue. I cannot believe that the name check would yield different results for having a space between the two syllables or not having a space.

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Calling your congressman's office was the best thing to do. If they can be motivated they can get things going again. I hope this is the case for you. This really has an effect on you when you start to believe you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it doesn't seem to be getting any closer.

Hang in there. It can't be much longer before it's over. :D

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Thanks guys, really appreciate your support in this matter. I just finished writing an e-mail to GZ explaining them the situation concerning the name split, but I haven't send it yet because I'm afraid that they will start a new name check which will take even longer that this one because my bf last name is a common one in China. What really keeps bugging me is the fact that the FBI guy told my congressman's aid that when his correct name is passed thru their system, the results are a " no record for this person". Do you think I should clarify this for the Consulate? Anyways, my congressman's aid said she will send another e-mail to the FBI explaining the issue with the first name.

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Yes, get GZ to send the update to the FBI and you will be done soon. It should not be a new request...just an update to the existing one since it is not complete yet. If you wait until after the name check is done on the bad name...THEN it will be a new request.


Also, keep harassing your Senator & Congressman...they should be able to get the FBI to fix their records and get your name check done sooner also. My Senator was able to get the FBI to pull my file and work it after I waited 5 months. It was done 1 week after the Senator called them. :D

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Keep the faith my good friend. Like you we are stuck in that second name check pit of despair for almost 4 months also. In fact, when I get back to Maui will be exactly 120 days since they started. I contacted my congressman before I left, but still no news from him. Guess he's too worried about getting re-elected. I guess I'll have to try the FBI or my Senators once I get home.


I've being trying to console Ling about our delay, but its been really difficult watching all the others who filed after us get their P4 and interviews. But like I tell her, we will overcome all these obstacles in the end. It just seems the finish line is so far away. Let us resolve ourselves to not letting the government's idiocy drain us of our emotional resolve. As Moses said, "Let my people go!!" :D



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Jon, tell Ling she's not alone, and that some time in the future we will look back and see all this from a different perspective. Keep having fun and once you get back to Maui and all this political thing is over, contact your congressman again and the FBI. The Consulate has to respond to their inquiries and my congressman's aid told me that once a congressman inquires about a case, it gets flagged. I'm not sure if it's of big help, but at least GZ knows that someone is following on the case.

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I got a response back from GZ, and they still insist to split my fiance's first name into two, even though it's spelled as one name in his passport. I guess there's nothing else I can do concerning this matter but to keep my fingers crossed and hope the name is cleared soon. The one thing that keeps me going is my next trip to Beijing, which will be on New Year's Eve. :D

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