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Hello all..


My congressman received an answer to his inquiry about my fiancees interview date. The letter "estimates" my fiancees' interview will be mid- December to January.


How accurate are the estimates ? I guess the question is really for those of you who have P-4 and had inquired beforehand through e-mail , congressman, or other official source.


BTW, my congressmans assistant said cases that are inquired upon generally get earmarked and moved up...any truth to this??????

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In my opinion they are complete B.S. ! The answered my Senator in June, when our 2nd name check came back, that thier best guesstiamte was Sept-Oct. Then when I had my Senator ask in August for a definiate date, they said maybe Nov-Dec (because of backlogs...YA if they would not take EVERY USA & China holiday maybe they coudl get some work done!). Now I am waiting to see what their response will be to my Congressional inquiry...porbably slip to next ****ing year! :angry: :angry: :angry:

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BTW, my congressmans assistant said cases that are inquired upon generally get earmarked and moved up...any truth to this??????

Is there any reason why your case should get moved ahead of others that have been waiting? We've been waiting a long time also, but I don't feel that our case deserves to be placed ahead of others whose P3s were returned and whose petitions were approved before ours. An extraordinary case like Neal's should have been earmarked and moved to the front. It wasn't! They returned their P3 almost a year ago.

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Sometimes I hear people say their case is in the name check or second name check stage after they returned their p3. I just wonder how do you find this out? We sent back our p3 stuff just over 2 weeks ago and I've since called DOS to check and make sure they had received it, which they did. But then I asked if she could give me any info, like are their substages now that it goes thru and she said she can't tell me anything specific, just that I should expect to wait, and wouldn't give me any estimate either. **sigh**


Is the only thing to do at this point just to wait for the p4 to arrive in the mail? I find it very frustrating to have our lives up in the air with no chance to really plan anything in the next year.








K-1 Status


I-129F Sent.........03/20/2004

I-129F Arrived......03/22/2004



NVC Arrival.........07/16/2004

NVC Approval........08/16/2004

K1 Arrives GZ.......08/18/2004

K1 Clears Customs...09/13/2004

K1 at US Embassy....09/14/2004

P3 Received.........09/22/2004

P3 Mailed out.......09/23/2004

p4 Received.........

Interview Date......

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Sometimes I hear people say their case is in the name check or second name check stage after they returned their p3.  I just wonder how do you find this out?

DOS may or may not tell you this. It depends whom you get.


I got the information from writing to GZ (via their website) and from having my Senator and Congressman write them on my behalf.


Of course, Yaya sent P3 on 11/26. It was 12/12 that they finally noticed a wrong name. And then it was 12/29 before they bothered to send it for the 2nd name check.

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I think that the key issue to estimate the time for P4 is when the name check is completed. Many people don't check this with DOS. As I see it, once the second background check is completed, then there's approximately a 5 month wait for interview (see Neal's timeline). My big concern now is that it seems that people whose P3's got registered in July have their second name check still pending, ours started on July 9th and after 3 months it's still pending.... I saw posts from some Candle members who sent P3's as recently as September saying that their name checks had been completed as per DOS, so they"ll probably get interview dates before us. It's just not fair, but we can't fight the system, it's definitely one of the hardest tests of endurance I've ever faced.

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Rick, go straight to the point with this people: "I'm the petitioner on a K1 visa and want to know when our name check started and if it's been completed yet". If you get one of those "nice visa specialists" that wouldn't give you any info, keep calling and try a different one. One of them told me yesterday that the consulate will notify me when the name check is completed.... yeah sure.......... :)

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I agree with Mari on both her posts. If you can't get your answer from one "visa specialist", call later and hopefully you get a different one.


The clearance of the Second Name Check appears to be a stumbling block for many of us. Like Mari wrote that some CFL'ers (say isn't that the Canadian Football League too?) :lol: submitted their P3 packets in September and passed second namce check, there are others like us who are still waiting. Neal waited for over 6 months I think, and Clifford was the unfortunate recipient of a year I believe.


After talking to a "specialist" this morning I asked to speak to a supervisor who looked at our case. She informed me it was on "Hold" meaning Ling's name generated a hit on some agency's list, and until they investigated and cleared her name nothing will be done. So after 3 months, what I thought would be the final stretch run is becoming a marathon. And I really hate running!! ;)


I just don't understand why in this day and age of computers, internet, electronic data gathering, etc. it should take so long to check someone's name even if they generate a hit. Shoots, I can get approved for a home mortgage over the internet in less than a week and never interact with a human. I remember getting clearance to do some work at a nuclear weapons facility to do some work there and it only took 2 months to get clearance. This was years ago too, when people were using XT and At computers, and the monitor was amber in color. :P Ahhhh, we're dealing with the U.S. government. Need I say more. :)

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I-129-F Lincoln NE receipt date: 10-23-03 > NVC to GZ Consulate 4-7-04 ..........



I weighed in on this during the last round ---- which was already delayed and slipping a little.... (Portland Jim, Turtle et. al)...


But I sense the same sort of frustration coming to the surface again...


I have had plenty of time to ponder whether it is harder to wait for a daughter than a wife or a fiancee ..... (I have two daughters adopted from China)


----- DEFINATELY daughter #1 was the hardest... delays pushed it from a 6 mo. to a two year process --- (and many adopting later than us passed us by and went to China for their children..) ........ the end streach was the worst --- having her picture, and understanding that she wasn't in one of China's better orphanages....


Hard to measure my feelings --- to compare my level of frustration today --- with what it was then --- frustration, anger and a sense of loss for a daughter I had not yet met.


--- not sure just how much of my previous experience makes THIS delay more expected -- and I'm sort of "broken in" at this point --- tethered horse goin' round and round.....


..... waiting for the p-4.......

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It's just unconceivable for me that an abandoned child, the most innocent of all, should wait for a bureaucratic system to process a visa in order to reunite with her new parents. It's really heartbreaking..... There are no words to describe the anger and frustration some of us must go through with the many steps in this long process. Love and hope are the only tools that keep us going.....

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Guest DragonFlower

According to the VO I talked to.The namecheck is a very problematic thing.

It is sent to many government agencies.There is no clearing house for namechecks,the consulate has to wait to hear back from each individual agency.He said the FBI was the worst,stating their system had little automation.



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Yes the FBI part of the name check is what we got STUCK on. Your Senator's or Congressman's office can contact the FBI directly on your behalf and get something done. BUT, thay usually say they must wait at least 6 months in name check before they can do this. My Senator's office actually intervened for me after five months (I been talkin to the gal for 1.5 years by that time...lol...so she was willin to help a little sooner). And, can you imagine the stupid 2ns name check was finished ONE week after my Senator's office called them? Amazing isn't it? Use your elected officials, that is what they are there for. Sometimes they can help, sometimes not.

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Sometimes I hear people say their case is in the name check or second name check stage after they returned their p3.  I just wonder how do you find this out?

DOS may or may not tell you this. It depends whom you get.


I got the information from writing to GZ (via their website) and from having my Senator and Congressman write them on my behalf.


Of course, Yaya sent P3 on 11/26. It was 12/12 that they finally noticed a wrong name. And then it was 12/29 before they bothered to send it for the 2nd name check.

Hi there, I sent P3 package on July 20th to GZ and have got a reply from there regarding my inquiry about time frame of the interview. the email says "...We recently finished pre-interview processing of your visa application. You are now waiting to be scheduled for an interview...." Does that mean that my name/background check has completed?





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