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More Visa Difficulties in GZ

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You're exactly right - I took my husband to small town Ohio and to a Chinese restaurant and guess where they were all from ... they were astonished to have a customer from Fujian ...


There is money there. I mean, they are poor, but they will pay a lot to get out. The idea is it's an investment they can easily repay with a little work outside. And they're kind of right. My husband has cousins in Singapore and Israel and they can make a lot of money (by Chinese standards). So there are huge houses springing up everywhere.


Noone understood why he would come back from the US, why he didn't just disappear and work as a slave somewhere to make money...

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It will help to know if they were denials or a "we want a tape" or....


The Consular Office in the US Citizen section said that they are concerned about fraud (women coming to US to get a green card). I think they are issuing denials for this reason.


Also, he said that many of the  blue slips are not a "no", but a request for a tape, etc. I think he said that you have up to one year to resolve this.

He said that the "no" is not a hard "no", but something that can possibly be resolved.



When I was out to GZ in Aug with Bea for our visa, my take on the American Citizen Services was that it had changed. Seemed friendlier, quicker and better advice.


Did it seem that way to you? Seems there is more info coming out of there and on the web site as well.. maybe all of the complaining from us and else wheres had an impact?


Or maybe after getting out from under the long wait made me feel to generous!! heheh


Mark and Bea T minus 7 weeks and counting... B) :) :D :D

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Hi, Mark and Bea,


How are you?  My husband thanks you for the good video you made, he is happy to see all of us. 





I just now sent you an email. I'll burn you a VCD of it and like I said in the email.


Bea is getting big... You hear anything? I emailed him and suggested he contact his senators and congressmen..


Mark and Bea

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Hey Mark

The guy at the Citizen Sevices was polite, helpful and seemed to be in the know. Some of the complaints might have filtered to the powers that be at State. I kept wondering who he reminded me of - I think it was Bob Saggett from America's Funniest Videos, or whatever it's called. I asked him several times if he could help me clarify this or that. As helpful as he was, I think that the DOS people can do little.


BUT, I think the Immigrant Visa Unit might be under the juridiction of Homeland Security, so that's why there are delays, rejections, etc. which we all know (from personal experience) are frustrating to the max!


I ended up going into the US Citizens Unit so often that the security guys at the front door and the glass enclosed checkpoint got to know me. The guy even had no problem spelling my name! When I got upstairs, I kept telling him we got to know each other so well I was going to make him a t-shirt with my picture with the words "THORN IN THE FLESH" printed on it. He laughed. AFter Sarah got her visa, I went up and thanked him for all of his help and good words - I was so happy that I was probably crying. He genuinely seemed to care. Whoever hired him and assigned him to that position had their head on straight. He helped a lot of people when I was there. He is a good guy. If he reads this, I hope he knows how thankful I am.


Anyways, Sarah and Xiao Xiao are here and I am thankful!!


Jeff :lol:

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sounds like the same guy from the discription. He also told me Linda D was routated out to Washingtion DC, hope it was a move up for her.


I kind of thought after that it might be the new person in town so to speak but I walked away feeling very good and very clear on what I needed to do......huh???? heheh had I fallen thru a time warp or some other alternate universe??


Well I hope for all who follow, this is the case and a newer game plan at GZ for them..


Mark and Bea

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