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On my last post I asked how many were regulars on the candle because I notice its a handful of us who check in regulary,,,,relatively few when you consider the #of pending K-1's out there. Are there thousands of others who have yet to know of this great site??

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Same here. Called this morning. "No, she has not been scheduled yet". Same answer that I've been getting for the last 4 months.


Plus, I'm not getting email confirmations from GZ anymore. How about anyone else? I mean, normally when you contact GZ using their web form thing, you immediately get an automatic email robot-reply saying they will contact you within 5 to 7 business days. I've sent two such messages over the past week and got absolutely nothing in return, nor any answer(s). Has this been happening to others? Makes me wonder if their computer system has crashed or something.

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Plus, I'm not getting email confirmations from GZ anymore.  How about anyone else?  I mean, normally when you contact GZ using their web form thing, you immediately get an automatic email robot-reply saying they will contact you within 5 to 7 business days.  I've sent two such messages over the past week and got absolutely nothing in return, nor any answer(s).  Has this been happening to others?  Makes me wonder if their computer system has crashed or something.

Yes, I noticed the same thing yesterday! We thought maybe we pressed the wrong button, but now I guess not...

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Hey Jim-


You should be hearing something any day now. I called DOS today and received answer you did. Last week the answer was "probably" in November>

Don't hold your breath! The way things have been going. Even those of us that have been waiting sense the last of April haven't been able to get even a grunt as to a speculation as to when an interview date might happen.


Hang in there All!

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Guest jimcope


I am waiting for packet 4 nothing as of yet. I have emailed guangzhou twice in the past two weeks and they have not replied to me. i am going to email them again on tuesday the 17th. some one i know had an interview on aug 30th and she did come the the states the next day. he applied for his i 129 sept of 2003. let me know what you find out.

thanks jim

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I took a peek at the K1/K3 site. Looks like the average wait is 10 to 12 months. The truth is we're all speculating and praying the winds of progress blow in our favor. I try to keep cool but I have days where I am so pissed off at the way our matters are handled. The slow , plodding , non-chalant government attitude irks me!


I'm probably this way because I was told this whole thing would take 6-8 months...so one sets their expectations based on a given time line only to discover it's all hogwash....

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Guest Jerryblack

Dear all,


Nobody received p4 these 10 days. I think we will wait to get p4 in September. I mailed back my p3 to Guangzhou Embassy on April 19. But I guess they keyed in my case in this May.

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