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Bank statement crazyness

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wow, I just got back from the bank to get the bank statement with the pertinent information for the upcoming GZ interview and my bank says to get a years worth of deposits records will take "some" research and cost $18.00 an hour and take until August 23 or 24 to complete but they said only 2 or 3 hours will be charged to me. they said that no banks here keep the records on their computers for more than 45 days so they said they "order" the past bank statements and will get them all and then can do the Letter for me... Yikes... I can't believe such a simple thing could be so difficult to get finished.. anyone else had this happen?


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Like you I am in Washington. My Bank is Washinton Mutual, I had a little hassel the first time I went in and asked for this stuff, I think they were hoping if they said no I would just go away. Then one of the managers told the teller to just do it. It took her about 10 minutes to pull up my account records and cut and paste the deposits to a letter print it out and sign it, that included the letter saying how long I had the account and so forth.

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Hi Gene, ah that is good that your bank simply can copy and paste it... I didn't expect my bank (Peoples state bank in Bellingham) to tell me they dont have ready access to this information.. I think after the K1 is done I'll switch banks hehe.. Ill still be on time to send this all to Shanghai so I guess it is Ok. :rolleyes:

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I watched that old hulk movie recently heheh, those lines are actually pretty funny! I have a feeling my bank is probably one of very few that dont have very good service like this stuff that is happening now. The Bank person was sure good at covering up and saying all banks are like this :rolleyes:

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Hi all. The I134 form is new and the requirements are different from the old one. Tax transcripts are only required IF you are self employed.

Here are the requirements cut and pasted from the new form:


The sponsor must submit in duplicate evidence of income

and resources, as appropriate:


A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial

institution where you have deposits, giving the

following details regarding your account:

1. Date account opened;

2. Total amount deposited for the past year;

3. Present balance.


B. Statement of your employer on business stationery,


1. Date and nature of employment;

2. Salary paid;

3. Whether the position is temporary or permanent.


C. If self-employed:

1. Copy of last income tax return filed; or

2. Report of commercial rating concern.


D. List containing serial numbers and denominations of

bonds and name of record owner(s).


I'm in So. Cal and also have WaMu as my main bank. If one branch gives you a hassle, go to another branch. As for them only keeping records for 45 days, I'll never believe that one. The liability on their part would be phenominal if their records were challenged in court.


I may have to go get some cheetos . . . . . .

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Hi all. The I134 form is new and the requirements are different from the old one. Tax transcripts are only required IF you are self employed.

Here are the requirements cut and pasted from the new form:


The sponsor must submit in duplicate evidence of income

and resources, as appropriate:


A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial

institution where you have deposits, giving the

following details regarding your account:

1. Date account opened;

2. Total amount deposited for the past year;

3. Present balance.


B. Statement of your employer on business stationery,


1. Date and nature of employment;

2. Salary paid;

3. Whether the position is temporary or permanent.


C. If self-employed:

1. Copy of last income tax return filed; or

2. Report of commercial rating concern.


D. List containing serial numbers and denominations of

bonds and name of record owner(s).


I'm in So. Cal and also have WaMu as my main bank. If one branch gives you a  hassle, go to another branch. As for them only keeping records for 45 days, I'll never believe that one. The liability on their part would be phenominal if their records were challenged in court.


I may have to go get some cheetos . . . . . .

I'm with Don on this. Don't get too worked up over the I-134. The VO didn't even bother to look at my I-134.


The instructions that cosmiclobster shows are essentially the same as for the prior version. The operative words are "as appropriate". What I think this means is that, if you are not self employed and you are using only income to satisfy the thresholds, you would get the letter from the employer (category B ). If you are having to use assets to satisfy the requirements, you would look the category A or D as appropriate..

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I was also getting worked up about I-134, until I read Frank's post. I've read the I-134 instructions 100s of times, but never really noticed the "as appropriate" part until now. Thanks Frank!


Recently my wife's I-130 was approved and I was reading through I-864 (the other Aff. of Supp.) instructions. If you read that, you'll notice that the biggest point of concern is your current employment and income. For example: According to the poverty guide, the 125% income limit for a household size of 5 is about $27500.00. If your income is way over that, let's say, $45000.00, you don't even have to consider talking about your bank letter. So, I think that the order in which the requirements appear on for I-134 is wrong. Current employment and income should get more importance than a bank letter.


But then again, I'm not INS :lol: I was lucky (and may be wise) enough to save all of my bank statements for the last 16 months or so. If push comes to shove, I'll just copy them and send my wife one hell of a bulky I-134 :lol: and let the VO deal with it. Hey, after all - THEY wanted the proof of my bling-bling, right?

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Guest blsqueaky

Also agree with Don on this. I was worried because I am self employed. All that I sent was a few pay stubs, (settlements), this years tax return and some copies of credit card bills that Ling used over there. She was more worked up over it than I was, (and I was somewhat worried) and this was because what she read on 001. After all of this, they never even asked for it.

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I've got a letter from my employer stating when I was employed, my current salary, position, and earnings for the previous year, this should be enough, and I also got a letter from my bank (AKA as my employer) directed to the Honorable Consul of the U.S. in China, stating when account was opened and average balance mantained for the past year. I will also include with the I-134 my tax returns for the past 3 years, just to be on the safe side. Remember if filling out new version of I-134 don't leave in blank item #11, as it does not specify now that it should be filled out only for temporary visitors.

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