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A couple of questions before P4

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Hi all, where are the P4's for the September interviews??? Does anybody know if there's a pattern for sending P4's, once a month, twice a month maybe?? I just don't get it, Mark mentioned there were around 100 people at the consulate for K visa interviews, if they do this every day for a month, they should be able to interview around 2,000 people a month. Well, I know ours will take some time, but I do want to be well prepared for it. My questions:

1-) Form I134: item 11- it asks if I intend to make specific contributions to the support of the beneficiary and to specify the nature and duration of contributions. I thought I should write: 100% financial support for all living expenses while in the United States (and tons and tons of love he, he). Do you all think of a more specific answer to this one?

2-) BTW, this form is not in pdf format, so I can just print it out, is it appropriate to fill it out in my own handwriting and take it to the lawyer? The secretary's lawyer can type it, but it's cheaper if I do it myself.

Thanks for your help.

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Hi Mari, the pattern seems to change a lot. This summer we've been crawling along at a snail's pace, with an ever-extending backlog of cases. This latest batch of p4s (september interviews) seems to cover about 2-3 weeks of p3s, so, they are still falling further behind, but not quite as badly as the past few months. There has been some rumor that a second batch of september interviews will be released this week, although I called DOS this morning and still no interview for me... If your p3 was registered at the end of July, and I had to bet, I'd bet December. But that's all a shot in the dark. For all I know, there may be a flood of p4s in the next few weeks; on the other hand, we could easily have another 2 month period of no p4s, as we saw in april...

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Hi all, where are the P4's for the September interviews???  Does anybody know if there's a pattern for sending P4's, once a month, twice a month maybe??  I just don't get it, Mark mentioned there were around 100 people at the consulate for K visa interviews, if they do this every day for a month, they should be able to interview around 2,000 people a month.  Well, I know ours will take some time, but I do want to be well prepared for it.  My questions:

1-)  Form I134: item 11- it asks if I intend to make specific contributions to the support of the beneficiary and to specify the nature and duration of contributions.  I thought I should write: 100% financial support for all living expenses while in the United States (and tons and tons of love he, he). Do you all think of a more specific answer to this one?

2-)  BTW, this form is not in pdf format, so I can just print it out, is it appropriate to fill it out in my own handwriting and take it to the lawyer?  The secretary's lawyer can type it, but it's cheaper if I do it myself.

Thanks for your help.

Where are the P4s for September interviews? Good question. Like Turtle said, nobody knows. There is little rhyme or reason to the way GZ operates.


My best *guess* is that GZ releases about two weeks worth of P4s about every two weeks or so. It's a bell curve thing, and the height of the bell curve is high noon over mid-April now (for the time when P3s were returned).


On the I-134, it IS available as a fillable .pdf (did your lawyer say it wasn't? That's because they want to charge you for the time it takes to type it out). I suggest going and getting it yourself and filling it our with your computer, then print it out. Go here for it:


Fillabe I-134


And yes ... you don't need to fill out # 11 (unless you plan on getting a divorce really really quickly). Don't forget to read those instructions carefully, don't leave it up to the lawyers! :lol: Just to be safe, you should write an answer there anyway. What I wrote was "Person named in Item 3 will be in the United States permanently". No confusion there!

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Thanks so much, I guess I did not read well the instructions to item #11, but I"ll certainly follow Jim's advice to write something on it anyway. As you all now, we had lost at least 3 precious weeks with this thing of our P3 getting lost twice in the mail, and then getting the DS230 back asking for another one for his daughter, when we clearly stated in his form she was not coming. I do hope that you guys receive the good news from your loved ones very soon, and I keep my hopes up for a Christmas wedding also.

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The pattern shifts there as the feds tinker with the system. The bio metric scanning combined with the shut down of the call center seemed to throw a major wrench in the system. I know when Bing and I went to get her visa there were several people who had to come back after the May day holidays to get theirs. I asked a consular official there why and she told me it was because their computers were having trouble communicating with the ones stateside on the biometric scanning.


I can also tell you that they schedule X amount of interviews per month and once they are filled the pile gets shifted to the next month. They tend to send them out in batches. That is why it is imperative to send your P-3 in ASAP. As an example Bing and Mikem's wife recieved P-3 on the same day. She sent hers in 6 days before Bing and got a March 8th interview date. Bings interview was April 13. She had to wait for the next batch.

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I'm ready to take the new I-134 form (Exp. 4-3-07) to the notary today, and I don't see where it says that item #11 is only required for people who will stay in the US on a temporary basis. I have read the attached instructions form and don't see this statement either, so I plan to answer this question as "100% financial support for all living expenses while in the United States". What do you all think?

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I don't see where it says that item #11 is only required for people who will stay in the US on a temporary basis.



Indeed you are right, the newest version got rid of that text! Hey, this is kind of a big thing, I'll make a new post about this in a bit, but for now, since the "Rev 9/30/04" version of #11 doesn't have that text any more ... uhm, it's kind of a tough call. If I were you (hey wait a minute ... I'm probably going to have to fill out this new form also, crap!) ... what I'm going to do is ... check "intend" and then also write something to the effect of .... "Person named in Item 3 will be my wife and I intend to provide financial support for the duration of our lives". That outta do it.

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Jim, "turtle", I sincerely hope that you get the interviews scheduled before the expiration date of the form, it will be unbelievable if not!!!! For what I've experienced in this last couple of months, it's very important to look in detail through all the paperwork, and make sure to answer correctly every question there is in the forms GZ sends you. When my fiance received his P3, the consulate included his daughter as an intending immigrant, we only filled out the p3 forms for him, and specified clearly that nobody " will follow him to the US" in two of the items in the DS230, we sent the P3 and it took 2 weeks for them to register it into their system, then they sent the forms back to him along with another set for his daughter.... how frustrating :lol: he sent back the forms to GZ with a note clarifying the matter and the package was again received at the Swan on the 3rd as per the EMS site, however, as of the 11th GZ tells me nothing has been received yet. I can't hardly explain you how it feels.... it's really an emotional torture. I don't know how much longer all this process will take, my

strength is the love that we both feel for each other and the support that we offer each other every day, but sometimes is just too much to bear..... Anyway, we can't fight the system, just do the best we can and keep busy while waiting.... Thanks to all, and my prayers are with all of you.

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Jim, "turtle", I sincerely hope that you get the interviews scheduled before the expiration date of the form, it will be unbelievable if not!!!!  

I've already given up hope on September...


Hmm, the new form has an expiration date in 2007? Let's see, 3 years from now... Yes, I think they should be able to schedule the interview by then. Of course, if they decide to upgrade their computers or install some more new biometrics, all bets are off...

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Jim, "turtle", I sincerely hope that you get the interviews scheduled before the expiration date of the form, it will be unbelievable if not!!!!  

I've already given up hope on September...


Hmm, the new form has an expiration date in 2007? Let's see, 3 years from now... Yes, I think they should be able to schedule the interview by then. Of course, if they decide to upgrade their computers or install some more new biometrics, all bets are off...

hey jim, we're about a month behind you. for very selfish reasons i'm hoping you get your p4 very soon. :) we're now setting our sites on october or november, for no good reason, just a swag. best of luck.

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