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Here's the long post. I left out all the important stuff!! hehehh I'll let Bea post all that this weekend. so here goes..


Here is my side of Bea’s visa interview. We left Shenzhen for Lo Wo at 7:30 am on Tuesday morning. This was about a 45 to 50 minute bus ride. We bought the express train tickets to GZ which left at 9:08 and cost 65RMB each. It was an ok train ride; just that the seats faced each other and it was an old train.


We got there around 10:20 and hopped onto the subway to… not sure of the stop but will have Bea include that in her post. Exited at the “D” exit and crossed the street, this is where all the wholesalers market is, it’s a cool place to spend some time if you have it.


Than turned left, looking straight ahead when crossing the street. The street went to the right and walked to the next intersection. Crossed it and went under the arcade or portico than just as we came out on the right was the hospital where she got her exam.


It was very nice and modern, with plenty of staff; they do walk ins at any time. Bea showed them her receipt and the nurse helped her put the packet together. She also told her that her ID was written on the packet as well so if any problem they knew who prepared it. She was very good and organized as was the whole place and certainly up to western standards. Bea did tell me you have to go to the island clinic to get your x-ray and shoots as they don’t do it there but you do pay for it all there and it is cheaper.


We hopped into a cab to go to the island. Passed by the Victory Hotel right along the river and turned left and got to the blvd with the public gardens when the cabbie told Bea ok get out.. Walk from here! This started another famous Chinese woman shouting match!! Hehehe She told me he didn’t know where the hotel was and she even gave him a map..


Than she told him to go ask someone where it was.. He thought for a bit told her to get out here and than asked… “Who should I ask?” heheheheh!! Another round of furious Chinese woman in a cab!! He did get out and disappeared and I got more of the story. Finally he got back in with seemingly no luck and started forward… stopped and backed up.. more talk.. so finally I started yelling!!! Just go to the end of the street and turn left… I thought the hotel was on the river. So we finally did, racking up another 2 RMB on the meter. And low and behold as we turned the corner and went not more than 20 feet!! There was the hotel which even I could read the sign of!! Heheeh as Bea had just told me the name of it Shainman?? I think. So out we got but not before Bea said “How much should I pay you?” to which he said all of it!! Heheheh another final parting shot by her and he got his 13 RMB and we finally got into the hotel..


238RMB with a total of 600 RMB deposit. It has a very nice lobby and is right around the corner from the Youth Hostel Dean mentioned and just down the street from the White Swan. We had a full bed and it is all western in the bathroom with a nice tub and shower. Bea wouldn’t take a shower coz!! You don’t know how clean. I told her we will buy a container of bleach!! No…. pregnant women shouldn’t take a bath.. etc etc.. Her logic won on that one… fine.. it’s not my back that is aching!


We left and walked off the island to have lunch, some noodles and wonderful Cantonese double milk desert. Kind of like a custard or tapioca, it was cool and refreshing. I didn’t mention that tues in GZ was sweltering and around 36 C with not even the slightest breeze.


We walked back and went straight to the hotel to take a shower, washed my hat coz it stunk so bad!! And took a nap. Bea’s dad came down Monday night to watch Tucker and slept on the couch… he slept and we listened to him snore most of the night!! Hehe So that and the heat made us so tired.


We got up around 4 pm and sat around than headed out for dinner..:( Again we got off the island as the places there seemed pricey. We walked down to the embassy and Bea spoke with one of the guards. He told her people do line up early and even way before 7AM but the K1 and K3 and Cr 1 don’t go in before 8am so really no use. We decided to come around 7:30 AM or so. We walked out to the bridge over the river pooh and used the subway walk under the road to get to the real subway..??? (Yes I have no idea where they came up with that concept.. maybe long a go they use submarines to cross under the roads?? )


I think we went down one stop and got off at the shopping area as Bea wanted to buy some shoes. We walked around and sweated, looked some more etc. Bea’s dad called her around 5:30 PM.. there was an express mail packet… he doesn’t read English but we figured it was the tax returns from my sister. We fretted over that and it’s being late and of no use.. would they ask for them? What would we do? Etc. Finally we decided that if it came to it.. I’d go home get the papers and come back if she was denied. We did have a copy of her most recent W2 and it turns out that and Bea’s quick thinking saved her.


Back out shopping and finally as we crossed the street to look at some pregnant woman’s cloths and I wanted to do some video of the street I spotted the MoonCarol Café!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww but unfornatuly not the real Moon Carol. We stopped and had dinner there. The food was good and the place it self was wonderful.. Quiet and comfortable. We had the set meal and it only came to 78 RMB. I wanted to have a milk shake for desert and also to let Bea try one… but we were both too full for it..:)


We went back to the hotel and stopped at Beatrice’s on the corner by the river and I bought some Rold Gold pretzels.. YUM!!!!!!!!!!! And here we were sitting on the wall outside at 9PM and sweating just sitting there. What a merisiablely hot day!! When we got back to the hotel, just like all good Chinese we washed our cloths!! Hheheh my shirt looked like it just came out of the wash when I took it off and this is when my hat got washed as well.


Funny thing is the maid came in and cleaned the room the next day while we were out and there were 2 pairs of Bea’s undies and my shirt and hat on the trusty coat hanger hanging in the closet!!! Hehehehe… but this being China nothing new for them..


We turned in and were up early, I had my instant coffee we bought at 7 11 the night before and Bea had her milk and bread.


We got to the embassy about 7:45 or so and she lined up on the right, about 5 of they let her and the others through. I stayed in that area and when I was filming the dumb guard came up so I played dumb with him for a few and kept filming  Than I moved over some and sat down but he came at me again.. this is when I told him to go F*** himself and leave me alone.. after a few of them he did. I went back to where the white railings where and started to sit/lean on one when another guard came up .. no sitting.... goddamn!!!


So I walked around and this is when I noticed they had all go in side.. about 8:09… I walked down to the driveway area and sat on the side walk watching with some of the Chinese women who hand out business cards for the consultants.


After awhile I started chatting with them and was looking in my pack when I noticed awwwww!! I had all 3 folders of photos in my bag. Bea had taken this bag with her at first but than rushed back to give to me and took out all the paperwork and forgot the photos. So this started another round of fretting for me. I showed the girls one folder and one of the better English speaking ones became the group questioner..:) so as I put that folder back she peeked in and .. well??? Ohh yes!!! Here is another one… hehehe so I figured what the hell got to show them the last one as well..


They told me not much chance she would be out before 10 AM so I went for a walk back to the hotel area and stopped and had a coffee..? or maybe just straight caffeine and water damn!! I did some video of me there and got there at 8:50 am and left around 9:30 AM.


Back to my sitting place. My cell when off and I heard it with the CD head phones on.. so that confirms my thoughts on whether or not I’d be able to hear it. You just go F888ing nuts with thoughts on this day.. what if this … what if that… It was Bea and she came out to get the pics..phew!!! and she raced back in.. and I waited until 11 than 11 :15 which we had agreed is the time I’d leave to go back and check out.. waited until 11:30 …than thought ok I can do 11:40 and still have time for a shower and check out… But come 11:35 the pee I had to take took over and I left. Have you ever sat and looked at the door like your long lost dog might for over 1 hour?? It is a nerve wracking but addictive experience!! Heheh


When I got back to the hotel they had cleaned the place so that ended the shower idea. I packed everything up and this is when I noticed the laundry neatly hanging in the closet..:)

When down stairs and checked out… than walked over to the couch and sat down. While I was in the room it started to rain very heavy so no way I was going to go out in that. A nap was really inviting and these chairs were made for it.


Than my phone went off.. SMS I knew it was a cell phone but didn’t know who’s number it was and it was in Chinese. I had to look in my address book a couple times to confirm it was Bea’s number… huh?? Why the hell is she sending me a Chinese message???


I loaded up the mule.. me and walked in the rain back to the embassy… She was just outside of the doors with all the other people trying to keep out of the rain. She came across and told me she got it.. and whispered.. they didn’t charge me money..than rushed off to go pee.


While I was waiting for her the girls from this morning came by so I had them wait and introduced them to Bea.. So than it was over to a small deli just past the white swan to talk and do some more videos..:) and a quick bite to eat.


I will post more and let Bea give you all the inside the embassy and more important info..:)


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth...


It took me all morning to find it... but now she has her own song... Bea said she started kicking when she played it for her thru the head phones at work.. " aba daba honeymoon."


I'm a monkey and so is Elizabeth.. ;)

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Hi Mari;


yes I wanted to add a few other things as well.


Bea said there was roughly 100 people in her room for interviews. this would be the K1, K3 and Cr1, rr1? visa's


They had either 5 or 6 interviewers there. She heard that they will stay there past noon or for as long as it takes to finish everyones interview.


So you will not have to leave for a lunch break and return to complete the process, but it might go past 1 or 2 pm. Someone also said they do the more complex cases last, if this is correct or not I don't know.


Bea also said the woman who interviewd her had just about every paper, fax, email we ever sent in a pile in front of her. From the looks of the final brown envelope which has a cut corner there is a hell of a lot of paper work in it. Tax returns yellowing paperwork etc.



Bea did mention she had number 4 but they were not called in order so she had her interview towards the end. Why this is I don't know.


It also seems each case has specific questions asked and some which are just general.


Her questions were just 7 or 8.


1 How did you meet?

2 Where is his residence?

3 Does he own property in America

4 When did he first come here?

5 Is he still living here?

6 Does he work here?

7 Does he plan to go back to the states?

8 When does he plan to go back to the states?


That was it.


Also they gave her the white slip at the end of her interview and did not charge her money. I told her don't worry they will get it from you tomorrow.. they didn't!! heheeh


than we did the math... we had already paid that fee.. $365.00 USD as the fee bill for the DS-230 forms.


When she picked up her visa the next day it was more of the same.. herd up in the first pen, than over to the lines but on this side of the road and than the name call outs. Darn!!! i had just put the video and camera away when I heard Bea's name called. I did get some video of her at the window and again as she came back across the road..:lol:


On her visa in her passport it has all those names and numbers we have come to love!! heheh GUZ number and most importantly when the visa expires.. 6 months fromdate of issuances.


Hope this is everything if anyone has questions just ask..


Mark and Bea and Baby

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Guest blsqueaky

Great story Mark. It sure does bring back some memories, walking around Shamian, the White Swan, Lucy's and some of the other restruants there that I frequented. Also going across the street to the food market. This is an experience. Now I can not wait till my next trip over in January (hopefully)

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