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My Fiancee met with twenty 001.com girls last week in Shanghai for dinner and made some good friends and had a lot of fun, One of them sent her a message today telling about 4 seperate GZ responses to emails asking when they might get Packet 4. For these people they had sent GZ packet 3 April 19, and April 22, and April 12th, and one sent Packet 3 January 12th, and today just recieved P4 , the other girls get just information that they will have interview dates Sept. 20, Sept 7 for the one that sent P3 April 12. the others around Sept 20ish... this is good news for anyone that have sent GZ packet 3 in april . Mine was sent April 22 to GZ, maybe She will get P4 soon too, I hope.... fingers crossed.... hmm, this might cause a deluge of emails to GZ, but they seem to be answering emails alot lately from what I've heard...




Dan&Wei Wei

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From what I've seen in the past months (since May) GZ is scheduling the interview around 4 to 4 1/2 months after the P3 had been entered into their system. I'm still hopeful that this next batch of P4's cover the second half of April and first half of May, if not, then I wonder how much longer is gonna take for the rest of us in the waiting.

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Mari, this batch does seem a bit heftier than the last few batches. Instead of covering just 1 week of p3 receipts, they seem to be covering the second half of April. Unfortunately, I think a lot of us who sent back p3s in the last week of April didn't actually get registered until May (remember that extended vacation gz took to celebrate chinese worker's day?). I would guess that the next batch of p4s (October interviews), will cover most of May. At least we can hope...


I was terribly disappointed this morning when I found we hadn't been scheduled. This summer delay was so random and cruel-- when I sent in the p3, I really thought we might get an interview in June... Now it looks like October.

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Wow, Im in shock right now, but Wei Wei recieved her packet 4 yesterday in Shanghai.. but I am very surprised by this because there are many other people that sent P3's to GZ sooner than we did.. I dont understand this out of sequence stuff, but I am definitely HAPPY! I certainly believe others that sent P3's back around the same time I did Must surely be getting their P4's also within days , at least I hope so.. I never thought the day would come! :D




Dan and Wei Wei

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That's awesome news Dan!!!! Congratulations, I'm very happy for you!!! I can only imagine what a relief that must be for you and Wei Wei. Whewwwwww ..... :D Must be nice you lucky guy :(


Yeah, GZ is obviously doing things out of order, but that's par for the course with them, and should be expected.


Turtle, geez ... you and me ... we gotta be days if not hours away from getting our interview dates .......


[simmer, simmer, simmer ..........]

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Hey Jim,


Yeah, you and Turtle are On Deck!


Think we talked about this at the June get together, but can't remember:  Are you going to GZ for the interview?



Heck yeah I'm going to be there for the interview! But I'm going there not only for the interview, but also to see her family again one last time before I steal their daughter away as I carry her out of the house with her thrown over my shoulder :lol: :lol: As in, after the interview, we will go back to her parents' house to do the final formalities, then away we shall go ... together!!!

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