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Why a Chinese woman?

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What I like about the Chinese girls I know- is their calm- I know all Chinese women aren't like that- but the girls and women I know are the most calm people in the world- I tend to show my emotions on my face- if I'm mad- I can't hide it- I would also like to have their metabolism. I would prefer to be a small athletic girl as well.

I like my husband because of his strength. Most American guys I have dated haven't really been through anything in life- I've traveled a lot and had some hard things happen to me in childhood, etc. I liked my husband right from the beginning because he has also been through some things and is from the same type of family as me (divorced parents). I also like his personality with me and around people we meet and my friends and family- he is always so nice and it's good to have everyone around me like him as much as I do. I don't like his stubborness- and I have it too- I read somewhere on here that you have to decide who is the leader and who is the follower in the relationship- I paraphrase but... We are still deciding that.

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What I like about the Chinese girls I know- is their calm- I know all Chinese women aren't like that- but the girls and women I know are the most calm people in the world

I am the calm one. My Chinese wife is the hyper and impatient one. :lol: Her life was too easy in China (under the umbrella of her family). Now she has to wake up and smell the coffee (real world). ;) She is more calm now.

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I thought I would throw my two cents in here on this topic. I just returned to the US after living in Asia for three years. I had success dating here before I left, but the biggest difference I noticed between Chinese and American women is that Chinese women have a 'sensibility' about them, regarding the 'real' things in life.


Other than the looks department, which only goes so far, they really "get it" when it comes to depth in a relationship, something that I failed to find in the States.


Yes, this is a generalization. But, I would rather look where 80% of the women share a similar view as I do, than look where 5% of the women share the same view on life. I will take 80% over 5% anyday.


Exception in both cases, but fewer in one situation vs. the other. It is not an issue of one being better, just what is a good match for you, yourself.

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My wife and I have a lot in common which is a little strange since we were raised under complete different circumstances and environments. We even work in the same industry and have similar jobs. We share a lot of similar life views and have similar religious believes too. I've always thought Asian girls are very beautiful and attractive but never considered dating or being marrying to one esp not from over seas. Most of the Chinese I've known in the states have been very nice but also very reserved. I like that my lao po is a little more outgoing, but not as much as most American girls. She is a little outgoing but not over bearing. Several things I am most attracted to and love about my wife is she is very attentive, very sincere and caring three qualities I have not found in girls I've dated in the states, not to say that it does not exist, its just I have not found it. I also like the cultural exchange, it makes life very interesting :)



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"We can live together, but I don't want to get married." That was the opinion of my last girlfriend. It seems to me that far too many American women do not value marrage and are unwilling to work to make a relationship work. I did not go looking to find a girl in China, but that is what found me. I have always been atracted to Asian women but had figured I would find someone already here. Now that I have found Jennifer, I can't imagine being with anyone else. :lol:

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