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I am interested in all the information I can get about the interview in GZ.  I cant seem to find FAQ on this site ..help. Will they deny a visa if your spouse can not speak any English ? Thanks.  Tom

If she no speaka the English, and you no speaka the Chinese, then they just might.


You can both speak Klingon for all they care. They like to see that you two can verbally communicate.


If she does not speak English she may be asked for a 15 minute videotape of you chatting freestyle in Mandarin.

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Click here for the 95 most common interview questions:


95 most Common Interview Questions


GZ is likely to deny her a visa if she fails to show evidence of how you and her can succesfully communicate. If she can't speak English, and if you can't speak Chinese ... then how do you and your honey make the relationship work??


That's what GZ will want to see evidence of.


GZ takes the position that if two people can hardly exchange more than a few simple words between them (in any language), then by default there is no basis for a valid or legitimate relationship, and thus they probably won't issue a visa.

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Yes. No. Maybe.

There is no "rule"that states she must speak English. BUT, sometimes 'communicating' is considered a prerequisite for proof of relationship. My fiancee spoke no english and we got it no problem. Others spoke good English and got sent back to proove 'communication'. I think it depends on other proof, times visited, age differences etc... Smart money is to have her study english fast and let GZ know how you communicate--Transation machine, hand signals, whatever.

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don, i'm wondering the same thing -- whether you've ever seen a hang-up because of age difference. i'm 51 and she's 28. i've been there 4 times, have 5th trip booked, will be in gz for the interview whenever it is, and am supporting her now. i think we have all of the evidence in spades, and my atty even says the fact that i work for a federal government agency lends credence to our relationship. really not expecting any difficulty, but you say you've been monitoring this for 3 years, and i'll bet you have some war stories.


why have you been doing this so long?

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There is a distinct difference between 'deny' and requesting more evidence before rendering a decision. In nearly three years of monitoring these boards, I only know of one denial from GZ.

Now you see Don!!!


that is why GZ has to check, check, re-check and check again! to find! the one noodle stealing, subversive, 98 pounds Chinese woman who will throw the whole world into chaos should she slip thru the cleverly disguised clutches of GZ.


It is a threat to the free world and I for one will sleep well and soundly knowing I will never ever in my life time! have to face the shear horror of a sweet faced Chinese woman.. saying to me.. "oh.. sorry ..sorry so sorry.. f you whitey.. have nice day.".:) when I complain about my egg rolls. phew!!!


but than again who am I to question the designs and power of the GZ guys country and outing club?


Mark and Bea


really what total BS their whole system is. There is a simple issue of risk assessment and risk taking.. for me.. I'll take it.

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So true, so true Mark.  But then again, my fiance has heard plenty of news of refusals on 001.  One girl last week reported that every single k interviewee she saw got refused, or at least got the the req for more evidence...


not only is it a pain in the neck for them it is more work for GZ.


you know in some ways this is a double bind. you can't keep things underwraps with the" if you knew what we wanted and why we asked you could beat the system thinking" and the convoluted froms and processes.


Did anyone ever think to think.. if the average American has trouble filling out these forms and following this process how the hell is someone from a different culture with less than perfect english reading and conprehension going to do it.


case in point if you are going to introduce terms which an 8th grader might not understand.. how about a simple glossary of terms. Does it really make it any more official if you ask what is your name verses.. the petitioners noem dE plum.. I had to look the darn word up!! just to be safe.


These forms and system are NOT customer centered it is gov centered so this is why we learn all this letter and numbers and terms when in the end it's very simple who is she or he. where do they live, you got money?


i am married and the truth is I did not understand one word that was spoken nor can I read one word written regarding this.. all I got was 2 cups of tea.. Bea didn't want her's and the woman took a couple of pics of us in the office. talk about a quicky ceremony!! heheheh


We are run thru the mill and abused for no reason.. as they say if this was a business it wouldn't be in business.

Sorry for the rank..


But "Our day will come..." not sure who sung that one..any guesses!!


Mark and Bea

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One of the posts on this topic mentioned an age difference being a potential barrier.  My wife is 35 and I am 57.  I have been back to China 3 times, and my wife's english is excellent.  Does anyone think that this might be a barrier in obtaining our K3 visa?

NO!!! Age seems to make a small difference but the amount of time spent together is likely more important. My then finacee was 42 and me 55. I spent a total of 2 months with her in China on two trips. Her Englsih is poor at best. We had ZERO problems getting her visa. Hang tough, stand in line, wait your turn, get her visa, bring her home grab hold with two hands and get ready for the ride of your life.

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But "Our day will come..." not sure who sung that one..any guesses!!


Was it Chet Atkins? What do I win? How about an all expense paid trip to GZ!

You know Our Guberments Concern for our feelings can be measured in Micro-givashits. The needs of the many outweigh, the needs of the few" Spock"

Hang in there Guys.

I don't remember hwo but i van hear the song in my head and I hear a female singer.


Did Chet ahve a change?? Sorry, no trip to GZ for you.

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But "Our day will come..." not sure who sung that one..any guesses!!


Was it Chet Atkins? What do I win? How about an all expense paid trip to GZ!

You know Our Guberments Concern for our feelings can be measured in Micro-givashits. The needs of the many outweigh, the needs of the few" Spock"

Hang in there Guys.

I don't remember hwo but i van hear the song in my head and I hear a female singer.


Did Chet ahve a change?? Sorry, no trip to GZ for you.




Maybe I need a translator :unsure:

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sorry Ray. Trigg and Don... I don't know who the heck sang it either..

But it is now in my head as well.. "..our day will come and we will have everything.. di di di dum..lala la lalala..


it a bubblely 1950's song and I think maybe a duet bobby darin?


geez a trip to GZ?? well maybe a bag of those new green cheetos if the guys here on CFL want to chip in.. :P


I'll look for it some more..


Mark and Bea

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Drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the winner is.............



Our Day Will Come

Ruby & The Romantics


Our day will come

And we'll have everything.

We'll share the joy

Falling in love can bring.


No one can tell me

That I'm too young to know (young to know)

I love you so (love you so)

And you love me.


Our day will come

If we just wait a while.

No tears for us -

Think love and wear a smile.


Our dreams have magic

Because we'll always stay

In love this way

Our day will come.

(Our day will come; our day will come.)




Our dreams have magic

Because we'll always stay

In love this way.

Our day will come.

Our day will come.


hmm don't know Ruby & The Romantics but will see if I can dig up a link to the song so we can stop!!! heheh the song in my head..:)


Mark and Bea



got it.. :rolleyes:

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