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I'll try to keep my sob story short, but it's not easy.


On July 5th, GZ told us (email response) they scheduled a July 7th P4 interview for my meimei (Qingqing), and that they had mailed the letter to her. I'm assuming it was sent in the last batch of P4s we heard about (June 20-22ish). We obviously never got that letter, and it was a huge shock to hear this. Because on June 18th (2 days before they mailed?!?), they gave their usual "many visas, can't estimate, wait a few months" answer to my email.


Once they understood we never got the letter, they actually sent a P4 letter on the 6th. Qingqing got it on the 7th while we were talking online. We got excited again because, by this time, we assumed that they straightened things out and gave her a new interview date. But no. She opened it and it was the same July 7th interview date! We confirmed that this P4 was mailed on the 6th. We couldn't believe they did this.


Part of me says to realize we're close, don't complain, others have waited much longer. Another part is so pissed off because of this screw-up. To actually have the interview scheduled and now we have to wait ??? days or weeks for them to do this again.


They've been answering my emails pretty quickly during these last few days, usually within hours. I just sent another to say their latest response was unacceptable "This e-mail can be used as a request-reschedule. We'll submit to the officer soon. Once it is scheduled, we'll send packet 4 to your fiancee." The "soon" part bugs me -- should be TODAY. I also asked for both EMS #s: the ALLEGED original P4 plus the latest (even though Qingqing has that).


ANYWAY, there really is a question in this post..... has anyone had success calling the consulate? Anyone have the phone #, or must I use the "call center" number listed on their website (86-21-3881-4611)?


Thanks for listening...


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Jeff has had some luck getting through to GZ but he is in China now for a visit for a few weeks your best bet is Fax or email, Honestly I don't think they care what happened I would love nothing more then for them to give you a rush date because of the screw up regardless of what happened it is just plain wrong and should be correct in an expiated manner. Their email responses are a joke to say the least not to mention a lie in your case. I wish you the best of luck.

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Greg, my heart goes out to you, it's terrible that this happened after such a long wait. I'm in the midst of a storm also, P3 sent on June 21, never got to its destination, however, GZ had been reading my e-mails, but unfortunately they sent the P3 to the old address again, so I'm praying this time it gets to my bf hands. Anyway, I e-mailed and faxed them again yesterday requesting to do the address update, so far they have answered my inquiries. We tried calling the extension numbers given by Mark, both my bf and me called, and the people were nice, but explained they can't do anything concerning the K visas, and the best option is to

e-mail GZ. One thing I have noticed lately is that they're sending the P4's on short notice, so I guess the best advice for the ones who are still waiting for P4's is to place a weekly call to DOS (8:30 AM usually has a 5 minute wait) and keep your fingers crossed. I hope you get your case straightened out and get your new interview very soon.

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Thanks for the encouragement. (well, except for the "rescheduling an interview is more like months rather than weeks" part ... ugh, my heart sank when i read that. but, that's the reality we have to face. i just hope and pray it's not ours.)


Qingqing gave me some other contact #s that I'll try. If they work, I'll post them.


Is there some web site to track an EMS letter? Qingqing can call 185 to do this, but was wondering if I can do on the internet. I thought it was www.ems.com.cn but it doesn't work for me.


Mari, I guess you already did the EMS check thing? Yeah, sounds like you are in same agonizing boat. How I hope things work out quickly for you too.

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You have every right to be mad about what GZ did. That wasn't fair of them at all, and I also hope that they can quickly re-schedule you. But, unfortunately, it may take more than just a few weeks.


As others have suggested, it is highly recommended to call DOS once a week or so when you are between P3 and P4. If you had done this, say on June 21st or so, DOS probably would have told you that the interview was scheduled for July 7th.


I think it's a waste of time calling GZ, but I may be wrong. It seems that email is the best way to deliver information to them (just don't expect any information back).

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