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Arrival 49 hours, Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc

Guest blsqueaky

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Guest blsqueaky

Yes, I think that I have everything almost done, but I know that I have a few more items to complete, and they can wait till morning and Tuesday.


Some that I have left I want to wait for her to arrive, and let her help so that she can feel that she is contributing, expecially after this mornings chat, and her working. We are already planning on Going back for new years, and I mentioned that I will stay 2 weeks and she 1 month, and she says no, her place is with me and back to work. Another argument that I will lose, but I am going to try and convince her to stay to be with family, especially since father's health not good right now.


Well will keep all informed

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Guest blsqueaky

Now she is leaving for HK, the bus, stay night, get on plane at Noon, arrive ORD noon, the Columbus at 8 at night. I will be a basket case by then. have to park the car, and I will probably lose it, have to wonder around the garage.


Thanks jkoman

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it's 9:45 AM june 28th over here on beautiful bright sunny, big white puffy clouds and a slight bit of haze. A great day in HK for sure, just a bit hot and humid. So it should be a great day for flying..,:D


As for finding your car, I'd suggest you grab a bunch of those mylar heart shaped balloons and than just tie one onto the antennia..heheh when you park it.


You can always say how romantic you are and no one's the wiser..:blink:


Best of luck and too a great new life for you both.


Mark and Bea

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Guest blsqueaky

Bob, I think it is, but there is one final cleaning that will be done just before she arrives, and that is with my housecleaner. She seems to find things that I do not. And not 10 hours, 29 hours. It is going to be a very long day tomorrow.


Mark, great idea. I will have to stop at a florist tomorrow.


Well right now she is in a hotel in HK, cath her flight at noon her time, arrive at O'hare noon my time, then sit for 5 hours. According to the weather forecast, crappy.

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Mark hurry up to the bar for the last beer with friends, Yan is here with me makeing sure I am being good, glad the good day is here for you finally, as the wait can be very long waiting for your special loved one in life , our wait was long, but I have a wonderful sweet wife , Ai Ni Yan Yongyuan :)

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