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Hi there,

I am new to these boards. It looks like I am one of the very few women here trying to get a husband over. It has been the ride from hell for my husband and I. I have to admit that we were pretty naive about this whole process when we first filed the I-130 and I-129F one year ago. I moved to China in 2000 and met and married my husband in 2001. I was sent home from China during the height of the SARS outbreak in May '03. When I came back I was 6 months pregnant and by the time I got clearance to return to China, I was ripe and ready to give birth.... so no possibility of going back to China. My daughter's birth was complicated, resulting in a long and arduous recovery. 8 months later, my daughter is walking, I am fully recovered and back to work, and daddy is still waiting and missing out on all our child's firsts. My husband just received P-3 last Thursday. He is sending it back today and hopefully we'll be seeing P-4 by Aug. or Sept.


Honestly speaking, I am angry, sad, lonely, afraid, and most of all TIRED. But, I must also say that I am stronger and wiser than I've ever been...owing to these many challenges and set backs. If I had to, I know that I could make it on my own. But there is surviving and there is LIVING. I know I can survive w/out my husband. I really don't want to live w/out him.




our time line:



Notice of Approval 1/20/04


.....to be continued

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Honestly speaking, I am angry, sad, lonely, afraid, and most of all TIRED. But, I must also say that I am stronger and wiser than I've ever been...owing to these many challenges and set backs. If I had to, I know that I could make it on my own. But there is surviving and there is LIVING. I know I can survive w/out my husband. I really don't want to live w/out him.




our time line:



Notice of Approval 1/20/04


.....to be continued

Welcome to our group. You will find friends and good information here.

I know I don't just speak for myself when saying that I can relate to all of these feelings. It is a long unfair arduous wait that tests relationships to the breaking point. Our own wait was just 5 days short of a year from the time we filed and we almost had the rug pulled out from under our feet at the last minute. Good luck with a speedy P4. There are others here who have been through similar straits. Rob endured a long painful seperation from his wife and child as well.

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yes, you are one of few girls, but you are not alone. i am also a girl, and have already gotten my, now husband, here.

im sorry to hear about what you have been through, but it sure is a shame that we are made to think originally that we might actually get done with this process in a short amount of time.

i think we all just about get our hopes up too high and then have a huge let down.


our process took from march/april of 2003 until march 2004. most people look at about a year for all of this to come to an end. (then it really is only beginning still, but at least you are together with your spouse/fiance(e))


anyway, welcome here, and we are glad you came to share your story and life with us as we also share ours!


i hope you will find encouragement here and again, im so sorry to hear about you having to raise your daughter without her father, but we hope we will hear a happy ending to this long frustration soon!!!


hope things start moving again and your family will be re-united quickly!


p.s. we always love to see pictures of those beautiful angels if you could/would post any of your little darling!!

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Welcome Tazsa,


I hope you can find some friendship which will help you maintain hope and sanity throughout the rest of the process.


I joined the Candle about 8 months into the process, feeling quite certain that I was nearing the end. Well, unfortunately the wait was longer than I had expected. I don't think I would have made it through it all without the online friends that I met here. And, I truly believe that without their help and support that Irina and I would have gone our seperate ways.


As far as women, you have met Kim. You will probably also meet Mari who has been active on the board for quite some time. I think there have been a few others that have been active here as well as a few Chinese women who have chosen to participate.


Best Wishes for a quick visa,


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Tazsa (cool name), I think nothing can replace having your husband with you but I think spending some time getting to know the people on Candle will help make it bearable. You can get some good information and advice here but more importantly you can talk with people who share in your frustration. It's the best support group in town. Welcome to the Candle.


Trigg :lol:

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Hi- I'm Sylvia- One of the other girls here. I started coming here only about 3 or 4 weeks ago- long into the process for me. We had our interview and got the visa last week- so there is still more- but I'm excited to go back to the US. (I have been in China waiting for my fiance). This process is long and hard- ours took less than some have- just a week over 10 months- and it can be longer- but finding this group before the interview really prepared us for the interview- and even now as I wait for June 10th when we go home- this group helps me wait. Yes- please post pictures of your baby!

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Hello and welcome to our family. Collectively we have seen almost everthing good and everything that could possibly go wrong. However, in spite of it all everyone is or has gone through the same dreaded process.


Check out the our stories section of this site. Feel free to ask anything any time.


No question will go unanswered!!!!!!

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Welcome Tazsa, what a lovely little girl you have!!! My name is Maria, one of the few girls here at the Candle, I had been very lucky to find this site, it's the best place to get some good advice and support from a great group of people. We all share our good and not so good moments. It's indeed very hard to be apart from our loved ones, some days just seem unbearable, but we should keep strong, before you know, he"ll be home. In the meantime..... we're here for you!!!!!! :(

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