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OT: Our Beautiful Daughter Is Born

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Just wanted to let everyone know that Li gave birth to our darling eight pound, 20 and one-half inch bundle of joy at 5:40 pm on Tuesday the 18th of May.


So, welcome Salina Li Turner to the world. She has her mother's eyes, nose and hair. Looks like my forehead, chin and mouth. She is absolutely gorgeous, at least to us. :D


Li had a very long and difficult, and potentially dangerous delivery. Labor was induced at 8 pm Monday night. Her water broke at around 1 pm on Tuesday. The baby's head entered the final phase at around five o'clock, when Li began to start losing copious amounts of blood. Evidently, the placenta had torn away from the uterine wall due to the violence of the contraction. The doc took one look at how much she was bleeding and whisked her off for emergency C-section. It was kind of touch and go for a few minutes, but everything went well. I was allowed in the surgical room to watch the C-section. What an experience that was! :D :lol:


I was able to cut the cord and, because Li had to be sown back up and spend time in recovery, I got to spend a few hours with Salina alone. It is such an experience to see those little eyes look into yours for the first time. I had talked to Salina and read to her throughout the pregnancy and, when I first spoke to her, she immediately recognized my voice. Incredible.


Both mom and baby are still in hospital but will come home Friday or Saturday. Li lost a lot of blood and is a bit weak of course. Salina has a slight infection so they are giving her antibiotics as a precaution. She is also under one of those blue light thingies because she is a little jaundice but nothing to worry about.


Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers through all this. For those who are expecting, you are in for such an incredible experience.


Li (Xiao Hua on the board) sends her regards to all.

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:lol: :angel: :redblob: :D :angel: :redblob: :D :angel: :redblob: :greenblob: :angel: :redblob: :greenblob: :angel: :redblob:


Congratulations Mick and Li. I am so glad to hear Li is alright. I am sure you were suffering some major stress waiting for the ordeal to be over, I have noticed that there seems to be a very special bond between daddys and little girls. I have yet to see a little girl who didn't have her father wrapped around her little finger at least a little. Now get us some pictures.

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:greenblob:  :angel:  :redblob:  :angel:  :greenblob:  :angel:


Good to hear mom and daughter are both well.  Looks like Dad will be changing diapers for a while... :P

No doubt about that. It has already started. ;)


And thanks for the kind words Carl. I am already more than a little wrapped around that tiny finger. I have another daughter, now age 17, who also captured me quickly and still can talk me into just about anything. When Salina gets a little older, I don't have a chance. :P

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Congrats! I've been wondering how you've been. I figure the quiet = baby. Hope you don't mind losing sleep....it's worth it.


We want pictures!!!! If you need help posting them, drop me an email and I'll get them on CFL for you.


No nursing photos, please. :lol:

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I was getting worried but am thrilled to hear that everything is okay. I hope Li will feel stronger soon. Wow, eight pounds, no wonder she had to have a C-section, with Li being so small. Congratulations Big Daddy!!! My love to you and Li and little Miss Salina.

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