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Who started this Visa info rumor?

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Okay fine!


    It was me!  You have to admit though it was confusing to understand.  I even wrote that I wasn't sure if it was true or not.  Sorry guys!  Scared the hell out of myself and everyone else  :rolleyes:

We all read it and thought the same thing you did. Turns out that the "warning" was poorly written byt eh embassy.

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All you did was the same thing many of us would have done. You just got there first! The thing is that one of our CFL family members, JerryL, had a chance to research and found the answer.


The only problem is that no one else seem to read all the postings and so the thread took on a new life by splitting into several threads.


Visa delays of any kind, are just a volatile subject to many of us that have been waiting for a while.


So don't beat yourself up to much. You saw something about a potential delay and you brought it to everyones attention. No Harm!



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Okay fine!


    It was me!  You have to admit though it was confusing to understand.  I even wrote that I wasn't sure if it was true or not.  Sorry guys!  Scared the hell out of myself and everyone else  :blink:

OK don't let it happen again or I'll make you eat chicken feet!!!!

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