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Here One Month Today

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Hi everyone!!

Well Jing has been here one month today. Yesterday the 19th was her birthday. I took her to APPLEBEES.. And we had the sampler platter to start and the Fahitas Oh boy was I a Hero. It even got better after the wait staff did the birthday thing which took her totally by suprise. She was very Happy. Had to call Mom as soon as she got home!

I keep asking her if she is happy here,, her response:"I am very happy here,, I am in my home!" Also told me last night that she considers herself very lucky. Oh we also found a Great Chinese Supermarket in Birmingham, AL..run by folks from Tiawan,, Yes the fish are swimming and they do have complete chickens. Jing's response I can get everything here that I can get in China.. She has been able to get all the seasonings she needs to cook and even Chinese cabbage and eggplant.. Oh and of course gets to converse in her native language when there..

One day I will post the whole arrival story at LA and trip home..


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Mike, how cool is all that. Mine has also been here for 1 month. We live near Nashville and are fortunate to have found 4 very good Chinese markets. Much like your wife, she enjoys the twice weekly visits for shopping and of course conversing in chinese. She says it help ease the homesickness. Life is good. Best wishes,


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Mike, how cool is all that.  Mine has also been here for 1 month. We live  near Nashville and are fortunate to have found 4 very good Chinese markets. Much like your wife, she enjoys the twice weekly visits for shopping and of course conversing in Chinese.  She says it help ease the homesickness.  Life is good.  Best wishes,


Siqun arrived in LA on Saturday and Houston on Sunday. Today we made our first trip to the Asian market. We met a friend of mine and his wife who is from Nanning.


Houston luckily has a large Asian community. We went to a 150,000 sq ft market (Hong Kong Food) that had everything from woks, cooking implements, and dishes, to swimming fish and fresh noodles. Everything she wanted was there.


Right now she is happily preparing dumplings.


For those who are planning on the arrival of their loved one: I cannot possibly over-emphasize the importance of a good Asian market. I just dropped about $450 and it was worth every penny. Whatever you do, try and find a good Asian market before she arrives. She will not be comfortable until she has her familiar cleaver, chopping boards, and produce. This is my opinion, of course. I realize that some may limited access to Asian markets.


Moral of the story: even if it is a 3 hour drive or more, do it.

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Amen to that Stats. It is VERY VERy important to find an Asian Market. Nashville has at least 4 within 45 minutes from were we live 25 miles North of the city. It amazed me because there is such a small asian population. My wife looks forward to our twice weekly trips. First couple of trips cost a bundle but now she only spends a little money and a lot of time searching for the perfect veggie. And, of course talking and talking and talking and talking etc.. :rolleyes:

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