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China tightens Americans' visa procedures

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Great web site and wonderful pics!


I had started a new thread in rumpus room american culture 101 and your links are wonderful. Granted they are of a comercial nature but they do give people a wider view of the states.


I got my passport out of Philly and every time I cross into Hk I want to write in Philly rather than the long word... I decided to shorten my address here to a few words as well! hehe


As for me.. I think it is great to be able to send my passport off to someone I know and who has great insight into how important it is to me.. best of luck.


Mark and Bea

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Granted they are of a comercial nature but they do give people a wider view of the states.

Hey Mark-

thanks for the comments on my sites..... but I dont understand this above comment.....or how it connects to the view of the states....the only links here is to my site with Hong-Li....nothing commercial there and My taiji site has more to do with Chinese culture...not selling anything....


I also got my PP out of Philly, but I just write down USA when asked where issued.....

ahhhhh! even better USA :blink: how if i can just remember what embarkcation means...A dog that only barks at night?


WHen I fist hit your site there are no menus but after clicking the symbol on the left I get a text, with outline around, menu at the top. http://home.comcast.net/~fshiery/wsb/html/...rces.html-.html brings me too the page with the philly links.


Maybe we aren't supposed to see these links as one is admin and there was a warning on that page.


Yeah that thread in rumpus room isn't doing so well... Guess I wasn't very clear about it.



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The HK news last night ran a short segment regarding the usa and it's new finger printing policy. It showed and explained that it will be expanded to our non-visa allied countries as well, think it will be introduced in sept.


They also mentioned Brazils response to the first announcement and China's as well as saying that other countries are now interested in the technology.


Right now here in China and HK the new SMART cards (ID cards) have been rolling out and they have a gold chip embedded in them. I believe it will hold finger print info along with other info in them. For them this card is like a SS# and driver's licience all in one.


Bea says when you go to a hotel, hospital, or you move to another city, or buy a flight ticket, train ticket, you need to show this. And than other major purchases, home, car or business related issues.


When I first saw this I was under the USA idea.. hmmm commies and tracking, which in some ways maybe. Than it dawned on me.... not many car owners here, not really much chance for people to get a credit card, at least not most of the people. So... how do you prove ID? in the states it is the SS#, driver licience for picture ID and /or a major credit card and if you don't have that a city or state picture ID... hmmmm gov tracking??


But this SMART card technology..?? They like these things here and I really enjoy my bus card and it's NO-TOUCH feature, just wave it close to the senser on the coin box and it is read and tells me it's balance. When I run out just go to the small outlet next to the bus terminal and have it charged again. I know the states have spoken of a smart card with all our vital info on it but that, keep gov out of my personal life sense, is holding it up.


For me I am still on the fence about it as well.




oh yes in HK there is also the octpus card which I think they said will help speed up boarder crossings as well as using it for not only transpertation but also like a debit card. This isn't an ID based card at the moment.

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Don't forget the frequent commuter toll booth things in the USA. They electronically read one's car as one cruises by.


I think there may be a similar thing for trucks and weigh stations now.


Don't many cars now have built in GPS Locators... :blink:


How long until banks realize how easily signatures can be forged (and how infrequently they are even checked). Fingerprint and other bio cards just make sense.


Yes, this tracking technology is coming to us, and VERY QUICKLY.


----- Clifford ------

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I read someplace that with the strips in the new money they can pull up along your vehicle and scan it for money

While it sounds possible from a purely technical standpoint (only for bills with the strip emedded in them), anyone with the equipment to do this likely has better things to do than mug people one car at a time, using equipment that requires skilled operators as well as a semi-coorperative target.


It's like worring about getting held up at gunpoint in GZ. Sure, there are probably criminals with handguns in GZ. But I figure that if you are in China, and in possesion of a handgun, then you probably have better things to do than holding up a tourist for a couple hundred RMB.

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[.....I can have all the commercial stufff I want on my own page...:D...


Damn straight my man! heheh and that's why I love being an American! :)


And I understand what you mean about the sig and not being commercial.

And I certainly don't want to cause problems for you or here at CFL, just figure if you have to spend the money might as well spend it with someone you know.


Mark and Bea

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