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Paris' attack and the world's reaction to it


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My fear us that ISIS will strike on US soil, perhaps as soon as this holiday season. If you read their literature, their history, and the Koran, you can clearly see where they are coming from and what their goals are. I will stop there as I don't want this to turn political or anti-Islam. Suffice to say, I have read the Koran cover to cover twice, once in the late 70s and again around two years ago. Read it for yourself and form your own conclusions about what we are up against. And yes, the Old Testament is loaded with violence, but the Koran makes it look like Romper Room. Please, though, don't take my word for it, read it for yourself. Again, this is not intended as anti-Islam in any way. I am simply calling for an open-minded investigation into what is written in the pages of their Holy Book. This is a hot button issue for me as my 11-year-old daughter will grow up in a world impacted by these zealots. She is already asking questions daily about why ISIS "hates everyone but claims to love God."

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Not really sure what is the solution to this problem is but I don't think it is one that only the US needs to find or to solve. It needs to be solved by the world, The whole world. A united world. That includes us, the Russians, The Chinese, the Muslims. Everyone. Attacking and murdering women, men and children on the streets should not and can not be acceptable or tolerated by any of us. United together we may survive , but divided we will not. I don't know how the react to this. They can say this ans they can say that but how will they react. Danb

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I don't live in fear of some young, unstable American gun nut going off on a shooting, killing rampage (which is far more likely) and I'm not going to start worrying about ISIS zealots terrorizing America.


Causing fear and panic among civilized western societies is their first and primary goal.


Stop worrying and carry on with life.

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They are resettling 200 Syrian refugees (Trojan Horses) here now in Cincinnati. Many of the merchants around here are openly talking of refusing them any kind of service. Honor before profit.

Never in the history of the United States have traitors worked so openly as they are today.

Ps. My state of Ohio has just announced that Ohio will not accept any refugees now.

Edited by Thomas Promise (see edit history)
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Enough, we are not going to single out ANY ethnicity, religion or nationality for hate speech. It is strictly against CFL guidelines. First off we do have Muslim members here. One in particular I consider a friend of mine. This type of thread doesn't make them feel very welcome.

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